The snowy mountains

Everyone knows the sandstorm in the desert.
Merciless and whipping.

Some of you think the idea is not good now.

But personally I would like to see a blizzard in Conan from time to time in the snow plains of the mountains.

Because on most mountains on which snow lies, there are also snowstorms.

What do you think about this idea?



It’s one of the best mods on the workshop. You should try it.

I hate mods and i play on ps4 :wink::v:t4:


Ups - never mind :innocent:
Maybe Funcom will take over the mod at some days in the future. At least then also the PlayStation gamers will get a snowstorm in the north.


I have said more than once, and I will repeat it again. A blizzard in a snow biome is a very cool idea. Moreover, warm clothes, hot food, a bonfire, buildings made of black ice will make sense.
No need to come up with showers for the jungle or anything else for the forests. Just a blizzard in the snow.

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love that video…hate that it is mod only though:

side note,
Maybe a monsoon rain storm in the jungle. Basically a torrential down pour, dense, and doubles stamina drain to simulate being soaked in water.

A pollen “storm” in the mounds, where all those damn trees release spores, causing allergies lol. starts to poison you (slower than normal poison though :slight_smile: )

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Hummmmmm not so much, maybe on lower lvls, once you hit 60 its more like a temporary blindness.

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That and as far as I know it’s still broken so it’s really only occasionally threatening to new characters.

Yep Blizzards have been requested to death, just like Customisable Hair/Beard styles, Armour Display Manequinns, Musician Thralls, Double Doors, and the ability to change Crafter Thralls Clothing. I probably wouldnt get my hopes up GodsOfExiles. But I will continue to support these everytime I see them come up.


Snow biome needs more nocks and crannies and caves honestly.

Sandstorm mask is lv30, before that your hiding from it.

Snow Storm? If your not rocking 2bar Cold P. You need some form of getting away.
Or maybe tone down damage it does…and make it a nasty see thru.

I want it for sure.

I just wrote that to make it sound dramatic. We are lvl 60 and have achieved everything in the game. :v:t4:


I hope it would definitely come closer to reality. In any case, I still support your proposals for the armor stands.


I see, yet I would love it to be more dramatic as you say, dealing damage based on characters healthpool percentage instead of X dmg thus being a threat to 60s, and those demonic panthers comming along, that would be great!

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