The thrall feeding bowl supplies food endlessly

Game mode: [Single-player]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type : [PvE (Dedicated Server)]
Region: [Germany]

The feeding trough does not stop pumping the thralls up with food. Of course everything rots and you can hardly fight it.


Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Thralls and pets no longer die from hunger so do not need to be fed.
However they will still recieve the temporary (damage) buff the food provides.

Do you have mods installed? Sorry but this is a must have question for every report on pc unless it is an official server.

@LordKAA They need to be fed if you want them to receive the damage buff. It is correct that you don’t need to feed them in case you dont care about that damage buff.

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Thanks, I had already asked the question because of the same experience in the SP (local). Hadn’t played for a while and forgot that I had posted this bug before.

Ok if you don’t have to supply the thralls food that’s ok. bad about the feeding tray mechanics per se but …

Same question though. Any mods?

Yes some of them I have already installed.

However, the whole thing also occurs without any mod - I have tested the Dedicated Server without everything to make sure that it runs at least - Subsequent problems then possibly excluded

Very true. I edited to avoid confusion.

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