The UE4 ConanSandbox Game has crashed and will close

Game mode: (start game]
Type of issue: Crash
Server type: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: eu

[Describe the bug here]

start game
Fatal error
. [File:C:\B\tech_exiles\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\ConanSandbox.cpp] [Line: 391]
Mounted paks num(59) not equal to expected paks num(58) anc (0) optional packs not available.
Please verify your installation.

I checked the files no problem I uninstalled reinstall the message perciste at the start of the game, I updated the graphics card drive and windows and I do not see what to do this problem never happened on the 230 hours of play that I have top and of course when I wanted to reinstall it for the dlc its bug

I hope who has a solution because I am really disappointed not to be able to play

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