There used to be booster bags for sale twice a year, now only once

Hello all,
Several years ago, when events were not fully automated as they are today, there were two different events that gave boosterbag discounts: Anniversary and Samhain.
Samhain doesn’t contain nowadays any discounts for boosterbags. Wintern event never had any booster bag discounts.
I think this should happen twice a year as it sound silly to wait whole year just to get discounts for boosterbag agents…

Also during Avalon event, used to be discounts for Druids of Avalon, but not anymore…


I agree. I was hoping for a sale on the last few events we’ve had but there was nothing.
There’s alts that need sprint VI still and i got those on sale along with agent boosters for Mesi and imbuers etc.
The sales need to make a return.

I would also like an option to have a discounted yearly sub instead of it being only 1 time discount for a year. Paying monthly I used to do, then got the year long option - to then find out that was only a 1 time thing, which made paying monthly leaving a sour taste in my mouth. So i think a year long discounted sub would be a nice option too - for those who plan to stay long term.

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Hope @AndyB checks this out as it seems to be just something they forgot…

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