That is what I call “living it up”. I mean, desert mid day sun, directly exposed, and she is so cold she is “warming up”, on a not lit up roasting fire.
Alternate Intelligence…
On Conan Exiles, AI stands for Artificial Imbecility.
One thing to keep in mind.
That is who created A.I.
Tread carefully on which path you follow.
well the only difference is that HUmans wrote that code, but if Funcom lets Ai write the rest i think it would be different. Ai has a better way of seeing when .exe conflicts will clash, and should be more preventative, but although theres always one or two bad codes that get away… lol anyway Have fun GG’s.
Every AI code was written by humans.
Very few people in World has used AI actually. When you are using something like ChatGpt or Leonardo, you are not using AI, you are using a front end for viewing regression analysis on the data AI has compiled, not the AI itself.
Any code you can get from AI at this point is either not needed or not useful for the AI itself, and one of the still frontiers no one has breached is AI that can expand its own code.
It is like that “saying” in which authors claim a “character wrote itself”.
Saying AI writes its own code is like saying 2 + 2 = 4 created arithmetic.
i didnt say AI writes its own code, but when it does, and its not very far from now, it WILL be MAGNIFICENT!!!
BHuuhahahahahahah Bhhuahahahahaahhahahaha
I dont think so. People who work with AI and is not “otherwise mentally challenged” know that AI is like a “toddler with superhuman memory”, which means it can store a lot of things, but can never learn what to do with it. And most people working on it are expanding the ability of AI to “know things”, but not to know what to do with it.
Pretty much like Internet. I has brought people a way to say things to increasingly more people before people had anything to say to all those people.
We will probably find a way to travel to Titan in a week before we find a way to make AI do anything meaningful by itself.
welp, looks like you got all the facts…
i will remain optimistic,rather than dive into this negative conversation.
Look towards the future with a smile. and a Sorcerer. lol
It is optimistic to think that AI will never get to be what people want it to be.
If the future has people overestimating AI capabilities, we have only two options:
- Idiocracy
- Dark Ages
I’m teaching myself this stuff atm and the concepts and maths are pretty damn cool!, but also very simple when you get to the heart of it. Its not rocket science, even tho it does have a lot of moving parts.
I feel pretty confident in saying AI wont take over the world, but maybe i just lack vision haha. I do worry slightly what will happen when they scale the current models up tho… no-one knows what will happen 100%. Automation on the other hand, yes, thats always taken away jobs and AI is just another tool in the automation grab bag.
It wont do anything by itself, but when existing or new systems are augmented with it, yeah, stuff happens.
There are already signs of model collapse in the “mainstream” LLMs due to using LLM-generated content to train them. It’ll be a downward spiral for them.
More closed and controlled AI models may prove to be useful in the future, but generic-purpose nonsense generators are on a path towards extinction due to inbreeding.
Most people don’t have the slightest notion of the scale of the data that our nervous system is able to process per second just to keep us functional and alive, to say nothing of performing in challenging and stressful situations/environments. The world’s most powerful computer doesn’t even come remotely close of having such capacity. AI is a universe away from being able to perform as a simple animal in the real world, let alone a human being.
Smart businessmen and gulible investors are the reason of all the hype. There’s a long way to go, with obstacles we don’t even theoretically know how to overcome before AI can be as reliable as a person to function autonomously in real world uncontrolled conditions. If we are to be completely honest about it, we can’t even say if it will ever happen.
Tinfoil hat on.
Somehow i believe they 'll succeed in the end. Not because bots will ever reach human mind, but because they seem to successfully turn humans in to bots.
Tinfoil hat off.
Joke or truth? Time will tell.
Reminds me of Alastair Reynolds’s short story Zima Blue where the protagonist has lived for decades with an AI-driven assistant to help her make decisions, and ends up realizing that when the AI knows your preferences, you’ll always be satisfied with what it suggests, but it’ll never suggest anything new, so you end up missing new, exciting experiences.
Considering that Zima Blue was written before modern social media algorithms and the echo chambers they cause became well-known, Reynolds’s prediction of humankind’s future was pretty spot-on.
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