Game mode: Online PVE server 3502
Problem: Bug
Region: Fertile Highlands just east of New Asagarth
So I’ve build this decent sized base… making sure to build the outside walls first so I know where my claim is… Now some player(s) has put a foundation piece by the corner of my base’s outside wall and is now preventing me from completing one of my towers and even build inside my wall… the outside of the tower is complete… I just can’t build stairs inside now or anything… This needs to get the attention of someone, or a Moderater needs to come and break this ONE foundation piece right outside my base… I’m really getting tired of people building so close to me that I can’t finish my buildings…
Steps on how to reproduce issue: something
2.have some A-hole put a foundation piece by your building completely unable to build, even inside your wall to a certain distance
4.this is effing stupid