Thrall falling to their deaths

You can murder all the thralls you want on PvE servers, they won’t fight back and they ‘do’ take damage.

But I agree, fall damage needs to be removed from thralls. NPCs do not jump and they do not fall off of cliffs. It’s pointless to have them take fall damage, it just results in stupid suicides.

The patch notes lie. There’s a ‘lot’ of reports on these forums about thralls being murdered in PvE.

Here’s just one such example.

Regardless, having the devs agree that they should be invincible is already a victory, the implementation will come in time.

This happens on official servers too, confirmed through T1 and T2.

When entering “The Passage” from the North side, I spawn on the stairs, my follower thrall on the other side of the ramp and falls to his/her death. In SP I can respawn it, if this happened to me online that would have caused a huge boost to the ragequit meter. Please remove fall damage from thralls asap.

This is nearly untestable then.

Because it doesn’t happen to everyone (I have not had it occur as an example) There must be a specific bug that must occur that stays around that is set off in some manner or a few different one that may not be repeatable by the team easily. Which means it could take a long while to track it down. Particularly if it only happens randomly to a smaller percentage of players.

It could take the team weeks of testing to even get a reproduction.

I reported a Swim issue, posted videos showing how I was working around it. One other person could reproduce what I was doing, and the dev could reproduce the bug just once. After that they couldn’t do it again. (as once it “fixed” itself you’d have to start a new character to make it happen again)

I have no idea if it was fixed as I haven’t been in that situation since launch…

So don’t be surprised if it takes them a while to track it down, but if people are having an issue I’m sure they will look.

It is a shame there isn’t a little Dev’s have seen flag that could be added to a thread to let people know they have been heard or seen even if there isn’t a direct reply.

Or you know, remove fall damage from thralls, easy fix. This happens to more and more people. Thralls falling through ceilings, even if they don’t follow.

It is extraordinarily costly. I have lost a fighter and an archer (~850HP and 1050HP respectively), plus a coupla throwaway tools who kept blocking my door. Official PVP.

The Archer came back from an epic supply run with me and about a billion pieces of brimstone. I unloaded him and moved him into my workshop, where he proceeded to deliberately jump to his death through the floor.

The Fighter came back from other epic journeys wearing his full Hyperborean set that he’d earned for bravery. I forgot to turn off follow after unloading him, and he walked through the door and “oofed” to his death. And somebody found him below and took all his armor and a set of trashed steel daggers.


Anyway, it’s totally repeatable at many locations around the map. Quick advice for now is to build a reinforced thrall box on level ground where you can have the dudes follow you to safety.

Actually it is not very difficult to test. I doubt that Thralls on follow behave differently on different systems. They must use the same code on every client, or more likely, on every server, whether SP or online.

Just put one on follow and run around different scenery to check. At one point they can lag behind a little and the server makes them warp closer so they are not left behind. It’s this part that has to be tuned, it seems that the game makes them warp to a location without checking its suitability. Sometimes it’s too high and the thrall dies.

I use the elevator, sometimes the game decides to warp it correctly, sometimes not, like in the video I linked to above. With the long elevator ride that I have it happens at least one time out of three.

Enter The Passage from the North, 100% of the time the thrall companion will spawn besides the long stairs and fall to its death.

Another 100% thrall death situation, and the reason I came back here. Enter Dragonmouth, the thrall is nowhere to be seen after the loading/teleport screen. Exit it at once to look for it, the thrall is there, oh no, it’s dead. On flat ground. I hope the post-launch vacation ends soon :).

Edit: about Dragonmouth, I noticed that I myself, when exiting it, after I spawn outside I fall for about 1m. Shouldn’t be fatal for the thrall, but apparently it spawns farther and dies.

Well if it happens to some people and not others. and It isn’t so common that more than 30 posts are made in a thread about it… then it is not common enough to be happening to people. if there is no rhyme or reason to who it happens to and who it doesn’t than it is very difficult to test. As I don’t have this issue.

Now perhaps they can find it. Perhaps the information here is enough that a dev can figure it out. or even find it… but I can’t really test something that isn’t repeatable. a Glitch that is a It happens when it happens is untestable. Because it is not reproduceable.

Video is good though. Most modern Video cards can capture game footage and it should be a go to method if it is repeatable for you in some manner. that is useful. I’m happy to see more people doing that.

I just had this happen to me too. Lvl 2 Fighter Thrall. I’m new to the game and it took a while to get my first thrall (Truncheon kept killing them). So I finally got one and put him in my house. Asked him to follow me, took my elevator down a wee way. He didn’t hop on with me and I lost sight of him, search the ground and found a corpse. Proceeded to loot him before someone else did and kissed him on the cheek goodbye :’(

My thralls just started falling thru the base after today’s patch. Getting tons of new warnings.

LogUObjectBaseWarning Null object

Freya just fell to her death when I climbed one of the Nordheimer guard towers.
She had full health, 1800, and died instantly…

So it’s not only player structures that they have a problem with.