Thrall fighter died while entering The Well of Skelos

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: Europe

Me and a friend entered the instance “Well of Skelos”. We each had a fighter thrall with us.
Before entering, we made sure our thralls were on solid ground.
We then jumped into the “blue portal” entrance to the instance. After entering, it took a while for our thralls to show up - mine did, but my friend got the message “your thrall has died while following you”.
We couldn’t find his corpse.

After completing the instance, we exited, and headed out of the volcano. My thrall was on solid ground. I took a long set of stairs that another player had build, leading across the lava and away from Well of Skelos. Halfway up the stairs I, too, got the message “your thrall has died while following you”.
I couldn’t find the corpse.

Thralls keep dying left and right in the volcano - please make thralls and pets immune to lava damage until the placemnt/teleporting/clipping through terrain and buildings issue is completely solved.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Have a fighter thrall follow you
  2. Enter The Well of Skelos
  3. Get the message “XXXX has died while following you”

Hey @Cage8

We’re sent note to our team about the entering issue. Regarding the lava damage, we lowered lava damage a while back to prevent most of the issues happening at that moment (it was instakill damage). We’ll send note again to consider making thralls a little less prone to getting devoured by the flames.
Thanks for the feedback.


On official servers, our thralls have been dieing all over the place… ride across an elevator and they will die occasionally while following… this never used to happen, just running across the desert area sometimes they end up with half health or less… there is a severe pathing issue or something causing our thralls to die too easily while teleporting to keep up with us. we wont even risk going into the volcano anymore with our pets, even though we need them to help fight in certain areas. have lost way to many good warriors and armor sets

But on the bright side, with the leveling system coming it will be a thousand times worse when you lose thralls to this kind of stuff, instead of now where they are pretty much the cheapest part of the package (vs the godbreaker armor and good weapon you don’t recover). Happy days!

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It’s not just in the volcano, while walking across inside a base built up on a platue, the followers sometimes just fall through the foundations, through the mesh and die. INSIDE our bases… or while traveling UP a vertical elevator they sometimes will tele to you and then fall…dead, but I with only 300ish health can jump from the top and live, but a 9900HP bearer dies. Also running across a draw bridge they fall off and die… its been a long unresolved issue, one reported time and time again, lost countless thralls to rediculous situations of death for no reason, but it is DEF more prevalent in the volcano area.

We as the funding community deserve resolutions to a multitude of issues/bugs/exploits that are reported over and over and over for months with no resolve, as a priority over NEW content. Please fix what is already here, before adding more stuff that seemingly always creates even more bugs…


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