Thrall Leveling Too Fast


5 June 2023
Public Beta Test Live

Just picked up Thugra based on the latest data mine to see how he would do as a Thrall. One run through Dorgan’s Reach & a few hyenas & crocs on the way to the world map to zone there & he was already level 10.

Took less than an hour & I didn’t see anything in the server settings which would indicate xp rate was raised, but I do know thralls break faster.

Anyhoo, the point is I feel they are leveling too fast. That was too easy & kind of makes the point moot to leveling them at all since we can use potions to reset their perks, if we don’t like what we get.

If we didn’t have the potions, then sure…level them fast & if we don’t like what we get…level another, but we do have the potions, so leveling them at this quick rate just seems boring & pointless.

Just a thought

You have your self a pretty low level thrall there. Thugra is just a Dafari – a little better than an Exile, and not as good as a Black Hand. He should level pretty fast.

I’m finding that top end thralls, Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers and 'zerkers are leveling slower. Probably because the experience of my favorite leveling undead has been nurfed.


Thugra is daf. Canabal which makes him level like a hyena. See wiki link below

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Is this true based on the latest spreasheet & on Test Live? The numbers seem to indicate RHTS are not as good as they once were, but maybe I’m reading it wrong.

Thanks for the reply!

It’s normal… the difference is… people generally don’t level Thugras so they’re not used to it.
He has the fast leveling curve just like Teimos used to have.
So it’s not a server setting or a bug… thralls can have 3 leveling presets… fast, normal and slow

It’s 3 times faster to level Thugra compared to the usual Berserker / Dalinsia / RHTS.

Not in Age of War… and this thread is in the public beta section.
T4 Cannibals have a 3.12 melee multiplier… more than the Arena Champion… so Thugra literally became one of the best damage output thralls, passing all the usual ones by quite a large margin.
Their only downside is the much lower HP, however they still can gain several thousand with the right perks and with that damage output they shouldn’t need more.

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Thank you all for the replies. I didn’t know there were different leveling speeds for thralls, so I learned a bonus piece of info today as well.

My post was about thralls leveling too fast, so it seems this should be taken with a grain of salt…maybe?

Anyway, thanks again!

Try leveling a berserker or something with the slow curve :stuck_out_tongue: See if you can spot the difference.
Tell us if it still feels fast or whether it’s like normal :slight_smile:



Will do.

Leveling the (previous) top tier thralls (RHTS and 'zerkers) is definitely slower. The same set of mobs that would take a fresh-off-the-wheel RHTS to level 4.9, gets to level 3.3 on test.

I don’t have any recent experience leveling Dafari, but got Thugra to level 13 in practically no time.

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As already very well explained by others and saw by you, there is different level of tier thralls with different levelling curve.

But well knowing that thralls have been nerfed so hard through several update during those last months, and reducing again their hp with the incoming new chapter, i woud more consider than thrall take now too much time to level up. because they can die so quickly. but your reaction rise a question is the time difference of training for low level tier thrall (ie thugra) in regards of the high level thrall worth it ? and i think in current state nop it don’t worth it because balance is not here beetween time it get to train to level 20 in regards of how fast it can be killed.

On pvp server, thralls were and are still the only way to give you some time against offline raid. in actual state during a raid 60 thralls level 20 (dalinsia, volcano, berseker, relic hunter) can be killed in 30 mn.
a dalinsisa will may be take 5-6h of constant kills to reach level 20. a player can kill one dalinsia level 20 in 1 minute. a thungra will may be take 1h to bring to level 20 and well will probably survive just few seconds less than a dalinsia against a player, but will the difference is noticable in actual state ? will dalinsia survive x5 time longer ? my answer is no.

and for pve content, there is on beta dungeon where your thrall will simply not survive. and i think that high level purge will be now more deadly for your thralls.

so for me thralls take far more too much time to level up in regards of how quick they can be lost. especially on beta. and i would prefer to have the time to make thrall on wheel still long (24h for a t4 fighter), but a training level curve really far more faster for t4 fighter thralls.

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That would make sense if Funcom is making thralls basically “throw-away assets.” If they are so weak that they can’t do the high end content, it doesn’t make sense that we spend countless hours training and equipping them only to lose them.

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Except that they’re not… I literally pointed this out above… :stuck_out_tongue:

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if they have low hp they are throw away assets.

and thungra,as dalinsia, as berseker as any thralls will still be joke in pvp.

show me a video of the wine cellar dungeon with a thrall on the beta online without using authority 20 :slight_smile:

except that the thing does 3 times the damage as a current RHTS… and kills world bosses in seconds… including the arena champion :smiley:

And yes, thralls were always a joke in PvP, they’re not meant for that… they never were… :man_shrugging:
People can just stand on a rock and poke them with a spear and they can’t do anything…

video of cellar dungeon on beta please.

world boss are joke in beta due to the nerf they had :slight_smile:

nope it was taking far more time to kill them in past and time for pvp is the most important thing.

Feel free to make your own :man_shrugging:

with 2 thralls killed no i dont need, but can send you one video gf a guy doing the wine ceillar with his thrall killed as all thralls will be killed (1) Part28 Conan Exiles The Age Of War Beta Official PVP - YouTube

as you seem to think there is no problem would be cool to show your :wink:

but you can check again my video without thrall where there is no problem to do the dungeon alone but your thrall will die, and by the way for pve content you don’t really need anymore a thrall.

What worries me is the purge @Xevyr .
I went through those numbers you made available and most thralls are doing the same dmg pre AoS nerf, so 2x, give or take. However their health is way lower.
The yogites are doing insane dmg, but have very low health. You need to be really lucky to make one viable to face mobs. Their base health is less than 500.
I now undestand why they tweaked the way aggro works. They can’t be mobed. They’ll die.
So I wonder what will happen when the purge comes.
For ps5 players… I can’t even imagine what will happen with those thralls if they don’t increase performance significantly. They don’t have much room for screw ups.

yes me too, i still try to have high end purge on beta online to see but it take time, and rng :frowning:

but anyways the game balance for levelling thralls is for me not here for sure, it still match a time were thralls were meaning something and able to kill you one shot.