At least they did something. That’s why pvpers complained about them. People always come with the example of someone climbing somewhere and killing all thralls, but we all know this worked in offline raiding and that’s all. Thralls with players online were dangerous. Now most will die in a few hits, but can also kill you fast. They are doing serious dmg. However, they are glass cannons. I’m curious to see how that will play out. A Tugra in a top tier armor with top tier perks can easily becone a pain in the butt. Pvpers roll in light armor and his dmg multiplier is above 3. So, very serious dmg if he has one of these new legendaries. I bet he can one shot a player if he is buffed.
I’m curious to see what will happen, @azaroth .
i never understood the complain in past that was coming from a minority of pvp players, the real and only problem in past was the bug with stacked food bonus on thrall, and whe had two nerf before this bug was understood and detected and patched… but well only thing i know is that thralls are nearly now cosmetics for base defense actually (pvp server)
and i fear pve players will may be experience soon the problem with the new purge mechanic in approach
Agree. Those that truly have a very high dmg modifier are too frail. You need a lot of luck or a lot of sacrifices to make them formidable.
But people are using Arena Champions as thralls and these are much worse because even after the nerf they have insanely high hp and a high dmg modifier! Still, a Tugra hits harder. If he catches a player of guard, he won’t live to regret it, I suspect. With enough persistence they can go around 5k hp. It’s enough to make them resilient. Going against a player and one of these might prove very hard, @azaroth .
hahah oh yes i know youi have no idea of the time i had to took to clear a base with several valthis the loyal and arena champion just few days ago, one was was 120k hp
it is here i remenbered very well that thralls were more viable for base defense when they were able to reach 16-18k.
I remember you commenting on that, @azaroth .
True beasts. Did you use gas?
You’re saying all this based on that one video?
That person seems very confused and doesn’t really have any idea what they’re doing… they have a thrall there with a 2h sword… and they’re trying to use daggers to stack bleed on a boss that is immune to bleed…
I understand that PvP players have their “meta” that they copy off of each-other and all that… but when they’re going into a dungeon nobody is forcing them to go in their typical setup and use the same stuff they would use against players
You want thralls with 2h swords, @Xevyr . With maces they miss a lot against mobs. I don’t recommend that at all. Against bosses, maces are better.
all what i had under hand poison arrow, snake arrow, pike poison,mace sunder, bleed, all
4 hours needed to clear the things, well offline of course.
Well that’s okay, I do
I hope the loot paid off at least, @azaroth .!
I can only imagine their mugs when they saw the fate of their thralls. It’s a lot of trouble capturing them, if the method is still the same. The preparation takes time.
Maces against mobs? Not a very good idea. They tend to miss the first attack and can be stunned little after. Against bosses, sure. Against mobs, they tend to perform better with 2h swords.
Maces actually have a decent range… and again you’re talking about playstation experience where thralls aren’t even near where they’re supposed to.
The reason is simple in this case though… not only do you have a boss there which needs to die… (and when he dies so do all the skeletons)… but the reason his thrall is dying is from the lack of hyper armor… the skeletons are chain-stunning him…
It doesn’t matter how many NPCs you would hit with your big weapon if you’re unable to swing in the first place… the hyper armor on some of the mace attacks would’ve ensured they die much faster and the DPS on the boss would’ve been way higher.
(the bigger issue though is still the player imo with the daggers)
I didn’t see the video.
@Xevyr most of those thralls won’t be viable on ps5.
On pc I have no clue. If they are accurate, ok.
But all veterans use 2h on thralls against mobs. Those who don’t soon learn their mistake. I don’t know how it works on paper, but definitely know how it works in practice. I used to give them maces and forget about it until I was taught better. Never regretted starting giving them 2h swords against mobs after that.
Now I’ll check the damn video to see what you two are talking about.
These are not “mobs” They’re skeletons with 1h weapons (think silent legion)… they’ll always get the first hit in and from there on your thrall is chain-stunned.
2h swords are “nice” indeed when you’re going to farm the black galleon or something similar with lots of weak humanoids.
Anyway, once my game downloads I’ll poke around a bit
i m on pc high end pc and have same advice than marcos on behavior of thralls.
Xevyr you shoudl really try the wine cellar dungeon on beta, i would be happy to be wrong, but what i share is only coming from experience i had.
mini boss of this dungeon can kill your thrall in few hits if you not able to aggro them most of time
thag don’t do damage, but he his a tank now on beta, and the swarm of blue skeletions will kill all thralls
Alright, I’ll try it in a bit
Man, who uses daggers there? I’m laughing because it’s funny. And who takes a horse inside? The horse is doing surprisingly well though. I thought it would block him immediately, but it’s doing fine. I’m half way through. He’s not a bad fighter, but he’s using the wrong weapons. What he wanted for his build was a katana, unless they were nerfed again…
Maces and axes are my weapons of choice for the Wine Cellar. I’ll keep watching in a few minutes. The guy has a Scotish accent, hasn’t he? It makes it all even funnier. Like, I’ll stick to my daggers no matter what!
That’s exactly what I thought I’d be using when I go try it in a bit
Why? Because I’ll take Thugra… he’s a glass cannon… so the logical thing is to build to his strengths… so I’ll be wearing skelos cultist for follower damage…
And while I could still use a war-axe (was considering it) and just ignore the agi damage bonus on the armor… might as well take advantage… so I’ll go with a katana
Also, yes, he’s a good fighter, just really using the wrong weapon :)))
Honestly, my only concern there is the ground AoE… cuz I had a bug before where if I killed the boss too fast, he skipped over a phase and then did 2 AoEs overlapped the next time… and only one was visible… pretty much one-shotting me lol… and the thrall needs at least enough HP to survive something like that.
Is it me or the number of enemies was reduced? There seems to be some blues missing…
The guy is hilarious. I’m loving it. Someone should tell him those blue torches are there for a reason. Yes, it’s dark. It’s supposed to be dark. So is Diablo 4 and people are loving it.