Haha I need to rewatch it then, I watched it without sound earlier
Ok, I saw it until the bitter end. Overall it was a good run.
His last fight wasn’t amazing, but it was well played. He got rid of the daggers and used a 2h sword. Not a bad choice for that combat. The player fought well enough.
He lost his thrall, but the guy performed well until he was mobed. After that, game over for the thrall and there wasn’t much he could do. He should have sent him to a corner, but those things happen.
The thrall had a good death. I assume it was a berserker. He managed the whole dungeon and died at the end, while putting up a good fight. It’s not a bad way to lose a thrall. I doubt he could have kept him alive. That thrall couldn’t manage the last fight. The player did well.
i prefer mace for thralls. it has knockdown, stacks sunder, and has (it seems) better hyperarmor frames in the combo. 2h sword is cool, but too slow of a combo. Also depends on thrall, because not all shate the rng attack scripts. Some seem to do more combos than others.
Which is funny because you can have two thralls of the same faction, one usually doing full combos often and other only rarely. I test this trait on them and it’s consistent. A thrall that rarely performs full combos is a thrall we don’t want. I asked a few times how could that be, but I never got an answer, @biggcane55 .
if I have time this weekend i may put together a wiki style thrall sheet. And include the attack rng scripts. Problem is i data mine and create reports for a living, and doing it as a hobby is hit or miss psychologically for me
I wonder if he’ll really be happy to be wrong
Due to stagger lock from the swarm of wights no single thrall with 0 help can beat thag even with authority. NPCs can be infinitely staggered now including thralls. I ran a war party of 2 thugras and they beat thag up and helped each other out of wight swarm.
So, how did your Tugra fare, @Xevyr ?
Will you show us a clip of the adventure?
I would love to see it.
Clips, clips fhs! You guys need to start recording that stuff! I love seeing that sort of tests!
I did it a number of times with a normal agility build and no authority, but then I thought I’m not contributing much anyway… so I respecced… I’ll show you the funny version first:
Excuse me… what skeletons?
he literally OBLITERATED Thag. Never saw such a performance, @Xevyr .
I didn’t realize it was a random chance to summon wights and not guaranteed. At 75% he summoned wights on my single thrall and it was a stagger fest after that.
Thag didn’t live long enough to summon wights, @forkyeah . He does that on the “2nd round”, when the floor markings appear for the 2nd time. The dmg output of that thrall is off the scale. No thrall on live hits that hard. Not even unofficial admin spawned thralls. This will definitely one shot players.
It’s not random his hp was just falling too fast and essentially skipped over it… He’s supposed to do them before the second and third AoE phase… but he lost so much HP he went for the AoE instead
Here’s one of the normal attempts I recorded, I messed up a bunch and jumped into his AoE and whatnot… and Thugra only had 3k HP here, but even then he finished the fight with plenty to spare… (killed him a total of 6 times btw, not once did Thugra even come close to dying despite the 3k)
Anyway, my point is This went exactly as I expected… there was no need for me to download the game just for this, next time you guys should trust me more lol.
However… while I have it… I messed around a bit more… this thing is insane with that Authority build… he killed the red mother in like half a minute… On a passive target he can pull ~600 sustained DPS… and some hits go over 1.1k
They will nerf him to the ground, @Xevyr .
Just wait for the screams.
That’s not a thrall. That’s a mean, lean, killing machine.
More than likely but Funcom’s usually a bit slow at that so maybe we get to have fun with it for the first Chapter at least lol
Oh boy! Can’t wait.
It was TOTALLY worth it.
Snake arrows will deal with them in seconds.
If he doesn’t get you by surprise with a player by his side, @Elth. Things will go sour very fast.
You certainly remember all the screaming about OP thralls. Spinas, Teimos, zerkers, etc.
They haven’t seen shit.