Thrall nerf to far?

What I’m describing is there is no right or wrong when it comes to personal opinions. I admit I didn’t read every single post but I read enough to see he likes his strong thralls. Although I don’t necessarily agree that a pve player needs and strong beefy thrall other than maybe to deal with a purge. Personally after testing and reading feedback, my opinion is that this isn’t the the worst thing for the game. I think it will promote more of a hero concept and more pvp in pvp. I would only ask for thralls to level faster. It seems like a fair trade off.


Yea, obviously :slight_smile:
And as I pointed out to him, the fact that he likes it and that’s his opinion does not mean it is NEEDED in the game. It seems the developers seem to agree as well, else we wouldn’t be talking about this.

I respect the fact that he likes it and it was enough saying that once, but then trying to “prove” how we should like it too and bringing up every unrelated reason as an excuse to try justify the opinion… eh… idk.
Being passionate is one thing, but ignoring facts and just repeating the same thing like a mantra to try and somehow manipulate people is a bit not okay imo… This should tell you something:
And doing all of this when it’s not even required since the data shows it’s just not the case and thralls are okay even in the test version.
You can go ahead and check all my posts, I’ve been reasonable, like many others I tried to have a legit discussion. But when even @CodeMage says it’s like talking to a wall (and trust me… I have already tested his ability and he doesn’t give up easy lol) then I’d say it’s time to move on :smiley:

Hope that makes sense… again, not angry or anything, just pointing out the obvious


Okay! As the old saying goes “Ignorance is bliss” :slight_smile: Enjoy your bliss!

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I retract my statements.


If a thrall is OP only with certain weapons, it’s clearly an AI issue, not a stat issue.

If food is the driving force behind keeping them alive, then clearly the regen they get that is the exact opposite of what player’s themselves get, then yeah that is an issue as well.

Those things should have been addressed. Not just nerf the HP/damage and leave the other broken stuff in place.

Isso é verdade! também estou percebendo que nosso Thrall está bom porem agora temos que saber fazer tudo dar certo, fiz muitos testes mesmo assim não acho ter feito todos porém, estou gostando do resultado em que estou vendo. Posso dizer que a grande maioria não quer fazer testes de um Thrall abaixo do level 20 por que sabemos que estão preocupados com os que já existem em sua base com level 20 devem ser poucos com level baixo, mesmo assim com level baixo você não deve ir diretamente a um chefe de três caveiras, ninguém faz isso, um Thrall pode ser muito bom se for bem cuidado e todos que fiz o teste estão ótimos e também muito forte até agora, não acho que levaram nerf ao contrário disso estão bufados se reparar em alguns testes que fiz a @Funcom_Community vai enteder. SIm os Thralls estão muito bem! :laughing:

This is my main issue. I don’t want changes made to the game to promote PvP, when I don’t use PvP. It’s why I keep saying PvP stuff needs to be it’s own thing that isn’t attached to PvE or single player gameplay at all.

Like the anti-climb thing that was stuck in. I remember climbing over my own walls while I was building, without issue. Now there’s a stupid fall/damage mechanic attached to the fence piece you put around the top of a wall as a railing, which was a PvP change and something PvE never required in the least (because stuff doesn’t climb your walls in PvE, only players do)

Lifeblood Spear is a prime example of a PvP nerf that ruined a weapon.
There was never an issue with it in PvE.
In PvP servers it could have been nerfed, sure. Not saying otherwise.
In PvE this weapon was 100% a choice to use. Not mandatory and I don’t care if anyone lies trying to say it was.

There are over 40 other 2H spears that are equivalent or stronger. But because PvP players were spazzing over the regeneration effect it granted, it got ruined.

So instead of making an adjustment for it, it got bulldozed into the ground. When it was entirely optional in one mode, and overpowered in another mode.

Healing waterskin was another that got the axe for no reason. Nerfed to like 1hp for 1s which is a complete and utter joke for a “legendary” item.

For comparison:
Sealed Waterskin, that you can craft yourself, does 25 Thirst and weighs 1.12.
Healing Waterskin only does 15 Thirst and weighs nothing.

Instead of adjusting it to reasonable amounts (I mean, even giving you back 10% of your HP wouldn’t have been a big deal in PvE), it got slammed into the ground.

Heavy-handed stuff like this just begs the question…wtf is it even still in the game at this point? Separation of PvP and PvE would allow them to adjust things like this for both sides, so it’s not 95% useless. The waterskin could have given 5% over x seconds in PvP and 10% over x seconds in PvE, with the way healing stops immediately on taking damage, that’s hardly something that’s overpowered.

And before anyone mentions that the Healing Waterskin weighs nothing…that’s not all that big of a bonus. With encumbrance shifting in 3.0, and not really a big issue now, I’d rather get the Khari Waterskin that deals with thirst much better and sacrifice the 2 lbs of weight.

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@Yshtola It’s not pvpers fault that FC decides to nerf things to be usless. Pvpers use the weapons to their fullest and if it’s overpowered it deserves a small nerf or tweaking some stats but no pvper has ever asked for anything to be nerfed to the point f not be useful.

My comment that you quoted was a pro to pve and pvp. Obviously their are people in the pve community who want to be the “hero” so now maybe they got what they wanted. In pvp we enjoy fighting other players not their thralls and horses. So I see this change being potentially good. Not everyone will agree with this and that’s why they are opinions.

A good example is players complained about horses. Mainly the lance but now with two spear hits from a ground player the horseman is off his horse. This will mean that horses will not be used as much for pvp. In my opinion this is a bit of a heavy nerf and again not what players necessarily asked for.

When you choose how to play the game, it’s up to you whether you’re the hero or not. If these people wanted to be the hero so badly, they could have done so at any time.

Instead what they wanted was FC to issue rules and restrictions to enforce them being the hero.

Players clearly have no self-restraint in this.

This is why I’ve been arguing so hard for separation of PvE and PvP.
Nerfing thrall HP down is primarily a benefit to PvP players more than anything else. Because you guys were having a hard time with their high health.

That separation would have allowed PvE players to continue using thralls as they wished, while PvP players didn’t have to deal with damage sponges.

Listen I never asked for any nerfs so you’re barking up the wrong tree. If you scroll to the top I’m the one who started this thread so clearly I was a bit concerned but this all stemmed from pve and pvpers complaining about one thrall for the most part. The funny thing is you actually think the pvp community has a pull in what FC does. Maybe you should check with fellow pvers on their point of view because clearly this is not pvps fault. Just be thankful you can play the game without a constant worry of being banned. Now is when I step away because like others have mentioned this is going no where.

If community input were meaningless then why all the “rebalance” changes after threads popped up with people complaining?

Remember, theybdesign items for pve and never really consider pvp until after implentati9n. So nerfing is thier bandaid. If they actualky talked about pvp effects before they release something new, then they may try and design it. And for those that dont know, blieprints can have “script” that checks server type eaily written in that could adjust things like heal, damage etc.

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Isn’t that the whole point of Testlive though?

How are so many items slipping through only to get changed weeks or months after they are officially released?

Sounds like a huge flaw with their system if that’s the case.

We definitely need something like that. A dropdown switch in Server Settings that distinguishes between PvP, PvE, and PvE-C, that can adjust stuff like this.

It doesnt even have to be a “switch” in settibgs. A blue print is a linking of commands. I am starting to learn more how theybwork myself. Basiccaly an if/then redirect based on servers settings (pvp, building damage, etc) to redirect whatever they want.

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Why? It still does it’s job but requires a bit more skill. Quick strong hit and run away to regroup and charge again. What is missing is the entire problem with horses in that you get 4-5K of extra shielding and a constant attack with no stamina cost that is the strongest attack in the game. Now it’s still very strong but requires stamina and you have a larger risk of being dismounted.

If this does move people away from horses, then I don’t want to hear a dang word about PVP skill anymore. They literally made horse combat more of a skill than a spammer dream combat and if that means the pvp community walks from horses…just sad state of PVP in that case.

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Vejo que a grande maioria não conhece a frase mais falada no Brasil “caiu do cavalo”.
Eu jogo pvp e derrubar uma pessoa de seu cavalo é muito fácil, não vou dar mais detalhes a isso.
Em questão a nerf sim acho que não irão ajustar uma arma que tem impácto maior no PVP para agradar o PVE e separar tudo como dizem não seria o mesmo jogo. Imagina o trabalho para atualizar dois jogos dentro de um apenas sem chance disso acontecer quero lembrar a todos, conan é voltado para o pvp desde armas e outros recursos de construção. PVE é uma consequência para quem gosta de jogar o jogo sem ter muita correria de ficar entrando em combate toda vez que ver alguém no mapa, ou seja, racional sem mortes que e por isso temos tantas DLC bonitas que até mesmo no PVP são muito usadas até mesmo em construções. Adoro conan e estão reclamando sem ver o foco dos ajustes que são sempre voltados para PVP e PVEC devido ao JXJ ou 1x1 que sempre é 1x8 XD

You answered your own question. I not complaining just guessing what will happen.

they simply removed all what allowed a base to resist some minutes in a offline raid. now i would say that the most well builded base with defence will may be stand 5mn offline at max. (for information it was already possible to raid a base and kill 20 very strong thrals+ alone in being naked witha poisoneous spear in full encumbrance, it was just taking some time (30mn-1 hour)

oh but good new now you will be wiped in 5 mn when you go to toilet, but now it will be faster to farm again to build. we all know that in fact we play this game to farm, but not at all for the siege mechanism (attack or defend a base), but if you prefer defend base which is at least a good 50% of pvp players, what is the point to loose your time in farming a base if it cannot stand any raid.because balance of siege mechanism is totaly destroyed. they are nerfing base defence for more than 2 years, and now even provide magic to go directly to your roof. great, i would suggest to fc to build base to give some raidbalbe base to players, because i doubt that any reasonnable player will continue to like the siege balance on the defense side. problem is not to rebuild fast, problem is to have base that take some time to be raided.


@Funcom_Community Recomendo a todos ler todas as regras antes de entrar em servidores oficiais vejo que a grande maioria não se atenta a essa questão. Chat toxico ou Construção estacada com muitas portas e tetos perto de mais irão te dar banimento sim e geralmente quem faz a reclamação não irá fazer sozinho. Para quem é do Brasil fiz um vídeo sobre isso com narração.
Já falei sobre isso aqui antes recomendo conferir:

I made another thread addressing the issues you are bringing up. It’s mainly about the ice bridge and flying bay to bypass all the defenders defenses.