Thrall not attacking issue

Don’t use sword of crom on ur thralls no more, go with blade of the adventurer or something else. The sword of crom is bugged or something. My thralls on follow works fine with other weapons.

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Online official
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: Europe

Thralls do not attack, even not when enemies are hitting me or I am hitting them. Here is a link to a video I made so you can see it for yourself.

In the video you see the archer hitting me all the time and me hitting the npcs who are following me but my thrall does nothing at all.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. make a fighter thrall follow you (I use Daicas the Sharp, got him long time ago).
  2. Go fight npc’s
  3. Hit them, let them hit you
  4. Notice that the thrall is not fighting and just runs to enemy and keeps watching.

Is your thrall using a Sword of Crom? This was stealth nerfed in the Warmakers Dungeon update. Even though the update was 9 days ago, it’s only just been confirmed.

It was posted in the PC Hotfix thread (02.07.2019)


Looked into the dev kit. There is now a 5 second cool down between attacks with the sword of Crom. Which makes it useless. Considering they will do a heavy combo every 5 seconds under perfect conditions that makes the sword of Crom a 72.8 DPS weapon presuming they attack right after the delay timer and we aren’t counting the 2-3 seconds of the combo itself. If you account for, let’s say 2 seconds, of the heavy combo (and they don’t miss) that makes sword of Crom a 52 DPS weapon. Meaning basically anything over 52 damage is better just in raw dps. Then you have the issue of the thrall backing up constantly during its cool down timer. Which causes NPCs to de-target get the thrall and target anyone else nearby.

Another weapon to add to the shelf of useless weapons…


Just for the ‘fun’ of it, I gave a T4 bearer a pike and took him to the unnamed city last night. Through three bosses, one scorpion and two wights, the bearer did not attack once. He made threatening moves; perhaps he was trying to scare them off?



I read this thread with interest and of particular notice was the issue of the Sword of Crom. Unfortunately, I bought into the ‘nerf’ thing, so when I looted my first, I hung it up on the wall. Looks good.

After re-reading @Ignasi’s post carefully and provoked by a friend, I pulled it out, modded it, and handed it to a Bandit Leader, tromping off to the Unnamed City. Not only did she fight with it, she smacked the living stuffings out of the Red Mother. For this session (the bug waxes and wanes) she actually ignored the bug and attacked consistently. One data point does not a trend make.

So I took her over to the boss Wight and was able to watch her carefully as she attacked. As @Shinrai said, she has a pause between attacks, but when she does, she takes a healthy chunk out of him.

DPS may very well be down given the pauses (no way for me to measure), but the rumors of the Sword of Crom preventing attacking do not hold true in this case. In fact, given that she bugs out with other weapons (no pattern discernable) long term DPS may actually be up.

Will continue to use the Sword with her and see if she bugs out.



It’s not a bug they put a cool down on the sword itself. There are two new columns in the loot table. Haven’t actually looked at the programming or which one the attacks reference but they are cool down columns. From my experience the thrall will still kill stuff but during their cool down with the sword they will kick and backup. Once they decide to attack again they will do a full heavy combo which does do a chunk of damage. But then if you’re in melee range and they just attacked and start to back off the NPC will turn to you.

So beyond the fact there are tons of 60+ dps weapons available the worst thing about it all is the loss of aggro.

In PVP I guess the burst of damage could still be useful, presuming they don’t miss as they basically just combo a specific spot. But overall my sword of Crom is now just sitting on a guard thrall deep in my base. Pretty much any other legendary I have sitting around out performs the sword of Crom now.


Again, one data point does not a trend make, but …

The boss Wight never turned to me, just kept attacking her. He pursued her as she backed up, but then I was not attacking so that may change. I just let her kill him. Next time, I will try to get his attention and kill him faster, but I know how to avoid his attacks and one hit from the thrall with the SoC will get his attention.

I do not PvP, so it’s only mobs. My comment about DPS had to do with the OP. The bug is when thralls do not attack at all, just standing there menacingly, not the sword. If SoC has a 5 second cooldown, short term DPS is lost. If a thrall with a pike attacks 50% of the time, that’s also a DPS loss.

If the thrall with a SoC attacks consistently and the same thrall with a pike attacks 50% of the time, which is better? I dunno.

I will continue to use the SoC on her and see if it bugs as described in the OP.



Usually the not attacking at all is when the thrall has engaged in combat during your session and you change the weapon.

But back to confirm your point I have did not see my thrall not attack with sword of Crom. Just pause during the fights. Which made me open the dev kit. Which is where I stumbled upon the cool down for Sword of Crom.

Thus far I haven’t seen any other weapons which have had any issues with thralls attacking then pausing. At least not as much as sword of Crom. The new mace from the new dungeon which ignores armor is on my list to check next time I open the dev kit. As I was out earlier and the attacks seemed to be slow but the thrall never did it’s back pedaling. So may have just been my paranoia.

We have paranoia in common ! Something to bond over :slight_smile:



Thralls work fine.

Under what circumstances?



So, consistently, but irregularly, thralls will stop attacking with either the Sword of Crom or the Blade of the Adventurer, among many, many other weapons.

I cannot discern a pattern or a reliable workaround.

Any movement on this?



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Odd, haven’t noticed an issue with BoA. It’s actually probably the most reliable weapon I have on my thralls.

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My ultra-reliable Fairin of the Wild Coast took a long break during a vital fight two nights ago. Cost me at least three defender crocs. In all, I should’ve just fought the dragon myself and stopped fiddling with my malfunctioning duder. But Science!

He always uses Bec de Corbin. Undead Dragon came. Kept Fairin on follow so he’d help me clear the undead shalebacks that spawned at same time. He takes off after the Dragon. Midway through the fight (dragon at 1/2) Fairin stops, completely. No trash talk, no nothing.

I followed all of my rebooting steps. Inventory clear, thrall is naked. Toggle from follow to stand guard. Attack dragon while thrall is naked and unarmed. (This almost always works, this time being the Almost.) Nothing from Fairin. Finally I put his armor back on and his wep back in inventory. Switched him back to Follow. Attacked the dragon, he resumed the attack.

Something is getting borked in his attack state, and it seems to be specifically concerning his posture, whether he’s following or standing guard.

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I have noticed, that when my thrall decides peace is the answer, me getting hit seems to bring back the aggression. In light armor and under certain circumstances, that’s a rather dangerous proposition, but it may be a clue.



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Just to add my 2 cents to this I have come to the conclusion that server lag and lag spikes seem to play a strange and unknown part in this. Here is why I think so.

I have several Bandit Leaders saved from before the patch change. I have been experiencing random lag spikes on the server I play on, and indeed on any server, for quite some time now. I check this by turning on the command in game. I have taken out a Bandit leader going thru The Summoning Place, knocking things out and then killing them off looking for items and perhaps a specific thrall, then come back to my base, stored what I found, gone back out with the same Bandit Leader, with the same weapon, gone over to the “WorldBoss” tarantula in H-5 to kill it and see what I get out of it’s chest. And for some reason in that time, with no break in play, with no loading screens, always keeping him to the same 1h weapon, and for some reason he refused to attack the Tarantula. He would go into agro mode, pull out his weapon, get into combat stance, get up next to the enemy, but he would never actually swing at it for some weird reason.

So figure that one out. I know there are alot of other issues that can cause weird thrall behavior, giving a 1h weapon to a thrall that had a 2h weapon when placed and vice versa, giving them more than one weapon, etc…etc… I always these days make sure I don’t do anything to start any of those problems, but still I can run into this issue with random thralls refusing to attack, weather 1h or 2h, and no mater where they come from originally. Some thralls from some locations do seem to sometimes work better/worse in this regard, but I can’t honestly say i’ve been able to pin down something repeatable that would be related to where the thrall comes from.

At this point I just kind of take it with a “meh…thralls” mentality and always try to have at least 2 thralls available that can serve the same purpose in case one randomly develops brain damage about attacking. I really hope they can eventually track down what causes this as it is a pervasive issue, but since it’s so random sometimes, it seems like something perhaps quite difficult to figure out.


One tip to make them fight again on most of cases:

  1. remove any weapon from him
  2. attack any enemy and let thrall attack with you at bare hands
  3. kill the enemy and put a “different” weapon into thrall bar.
  4. Let him fight again for a while using that weapon then swap back again the original weapon …

This work 90% times for me … if not … remove any weapon from thrall and w8 server restart …


I’ve must have read a couple of hundred posts relating to thralls’ attack routine being messed up. Plus I’ve must have watched a couple of hundred times my own thralls’ attack routine being messed up.

It’s the debugger’s nightmare - no long-term consistency that makes a recognizable pattern. Just about everyone’s story is different in some way whether it be thrall type, weapon, singleplay, pvp, etc., etc. Even if the workarounds are effective most of the time none of them seems to work ALL the time.

There must be quite a few factors (and the subsequent logic decisions) influencing the thrall attack behavior. It’s easy to imagine that a relatively small logic error could eventually turn into a inconsistent output action. It’s also easy to imagine that there is more than one logic bug that can make this happen and add to the scramble of what needs to be analyzed by the devs. Oh joy!

In my singleplayer games I outfit my following thralls with a higher damage weapon of the same type as they came with, add shields to the one-handed weapon wielders and pretty much never change this formula. They eventually all behave with and without the bug. The switch back and forth can be in the same fight or a couple of game restarts later, but it will happen.

It only felt like it was on purpose in the middle of the Warmaker’s Dungeon lol

To all the participants in this discussion:
I would like to know.
Do you see this only on Thralls? Or are undead followers also affected?