Thrall Pots - Oct. 2024

Has anyone gotten their Thrall Pots to work properly yet? Mine aren’t.

Define “work properly”? I think they have been working fine since forever. They however no longer list what thralls are within range, but they still offer regeneration.

Note however that their function differs from what it used to be years ago. Now thrall pots simply give passive health regen to any of your thralls within range as long as there is food inside the pot. The food is not ‘taken’ by the thralls, all the food needs to do is be in the pot. So any thrall within range wont need food in their own inventory.

You can test this by making sure thrall has no food on them, hurt the thrall somehow, and make them stop following. You should see the health regen.

If you are not getting this behaviour, then the next question is: what mods do you have

Think that is the issue. The thrall pots have usually worked fine for me, I just don’t think people know how they work. They open it expecting to see the old thrall list that was removed long ago, and expect to find food on all their thralls. But fighters/archers/bearers only eat to heal.

But don’t be surprised to find some in their inventory, or rotten food. Thralls used to be bad about collecting rotten food :laughing:

All funcom needs to do to fix the thrall pot is put the thrall using it list back on it.

For me the items in the thrall pot definitely disappear into their inventories, including items like human hearts/essence, raw fish and raw meat. I also noticed my horse taking raw meat from the pet food box. They’d eat that stuff instead of their gruel or buff food. (Sometimes I use thrall pots as temporary fridges if I’m short on materials which is when I run into this problem, or when I leave one type of food in the pot for my tigers and wolves but then my horse yoinks it all even though he has a stack of 1000 seeds in his inventory at all times. Then my doggos run out of food…)

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Thats because the items are not supposed to. As I said, the food stays in the pot, and it simply offers regen to the thralls in range.

So Thrall Pots don’t keep thrall inventories full of Gruel or whatever? They just hold food and give it to them when they need to regen hitpoints?

Yep I think people are confusing Thrall Pot’s effect with the effect Feeding Boxes had, because pets really were hoarding any food they could from the Feeding Boxes before (even food they wouldn’t eat). Not sure if this was fixed, I am am good with spoonfeeding everything to any thrall or pet, ensuring they are fed by the exact stuff I want them to.

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