Thrall Spawning Issues Post 1-Year-Anniversary Patch Part 2 (New Asagarth)

Game mode: [Online official | Single-player)]
Type of issue: [Bug | Misc]
Server type: [PvE]
Region: [EU]

[Describe the bug here]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. I was testing spawns of named/T4 Thralls in several NPC hubs
  2. using a respawn multiplier, I was able to check several outcomes per spot in few seconds
  3. Since I knew most of the spawns I was testing from official play I was trying some of the spots that weren’t adressed in the latest update
  4. Some of those spawned as I expected and showed up the named thralls I knew from the past were there
  5. In New Asagarth, none of the Chieftains spawn for me anymore. Instead, the spot was occupied by a Nordheimer Fighter III every time.
  6. Every Nordheimer Priest I killed ended up getting replaced by another Rank II for ages. I couldn’t get a single III or Arch Priest (even on the Wardtowers). I got the Mini-Boss once.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Thrall Spawning Issues Post 1-Year-Anniversary Patch Part 1 (2 Alchemist Spawns)