Game mode: [Online official | Single-player)]
Type of issue: [Bug | Misc]
Server type: [PvE]
Region: [EU]
[Describe the bug here]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- I was testing spawns of named/T4 Thralls in several NPC hubs
- using a respawn multiplier, I was able to check several outcomes per spot in few seconds
- I checked out Sepermeru after the reset, and I was already there several times on an official pve. I know which NPCs spawn there, usually.
- I noticed that ALOT of spawns are very similar, I’d think I made a list of 15 or so where both T4 Dancers, the T4 Tanner and the (old) T4 Cook spawn sometimes - almost every profession was represented with several ranks.
- I only found a single spot for all of the armorers, but was able to get one of them on a “Switcheroo” spot (see above). I don’t think this is intended. Imho it is more likely most of the spawns in the city where to give you a lot of different T4 Thralls each with a very small chance, but evenly spread out. The way it works now is it almost exclusively gives you Ranks 1-3 from almost all professions, then those 4 (Inigo, Thutmekri, Bragoras, Luba)
- The Entertainers had ridiculously many spots, and so did Bragoras. This up from 1 or 2 spots each seems a bit much?
- The Captain is nowhere to be found.
- Lissa and Mandughai (Archer T4) can spawn almost everywhere, this seems also a bit extreme for my taste.
- I wasn’t able to find a single Daya Leaddrinker (Smelter). Despite various spots spawning Smelters, but never above rank 3.
- 4 Spots for both Blacksmiths. Seems a bit excessive too? Dunno if bug or intented. But previously there were 2 blacksmith spots and 3 armorer spots for 2 different blacksmiths and 6 different armorers. Now it’s 4 spots for 2 and 1 spot for 6. Eh? Unlikely. My guess is more spots were about to be saved for armorers and now some spawns are screwed up unintentionally.
- I have not checked the database excessively, but why are there a gazillion Alchemist spots and Carpenter spots, but no T4 can spawn at any of them? Since Darfari got a new Alchemist, I thought perhaps this was part of the design. Votaries have every profession and are as strong, why not put RH up to par, right? Both are the endgame factions.
If this is all intentional, I made a post about that too. But I am willing to bet atleast parts of it are buggy.