Game mode: Online private Type of issue: Bug Server type: PvE-Conflict Region: Texas
Every single Thrall and Pet vanished before my eyes.
Logged on to work on my base. Noticed my thralls and pets were fine.
Noticed that crawling over upgraded fences did not damage me, thought maybe was a new feature (your own fences would not damage you)
Left the clan to test theory. Fences still didn’t damage me (a different bug?)
Rejoined the clan, walked around base and noticed every single thrall and pet was GONE. The only ones that remained were those in work stations or stables, or those not yet placed.
Extremely frustrating when you consider the sheer number of thralls/pets we had (in the hundreds), and all their armor, upgrades, etc. But being an Admin, I can respawn them. I just don’t want to if they’re all going to disappear again. Does it have anything to do with me leaving the clan?
Welcome to our community.
Are there any mods installed in that server?
Regarding the thralls gone, you can also restore to the most recent backup of your server. You can find them in the /Saved folder in your server installation.
Yeah, I have a handful of mods installed so it’s difficult to see which one might be the obvious culprit, but this isn’t the first time this has happened (though this was the first time I left the clan, so thought maybe there might be a known bug about that). At first I thought maybe it was due to not feeding the thralls, since last year there was a conflict between mods and thrall/pets eating, and maybe all of the thralls just starved to death. But then I saw that recently thrall/pet feeding was completely removed, so it couldn’t have been that.
I’ll do some experiments of thrall and clan leaving (i.e. I’ll spawn a thrall, leave the clan, see if that does anything, etc) and report back.
The hunger system was removed back in March, and substituted with a decay system similar to the one for buildings and placeables. The only thing that we can imagine is causing this problem is some mod messing with that decay. Make sure these settings are present in your ServerSettings.ini and configured correctly:
Also, for reference, could you post the list of mods installed in that server and their load order so any of our community members with more experience with mods can chime in and let us know if there is any known incompatibility with any of them?
Is it the same setting for both thralls and pets? What should I set these values to? I don’t really think it’s that because every single thrall and pet just disappeared at the exact same time (while I was logged on even) but I had earned these thralls and pets and many different times, different days even. You’d think if it was a decay issue, some would disappear sooner than others.
Most likely my culprits with the mods will be Pippi, Sexiles, or Pickup+. I still intend to test leaving the clan, see if that is what killed the thralls (this time around, all the pets and thralls were mine as opposed to someone else from the clans).
Oh, quick question on the Saved files. I looked in my /Saved folder and all of the files are from today. It looks like it’s saving every 5 minutes but only keeping about 40 saved files. I don’t think I need to save every 5 minutes, just a few times a day would be fine. Is there a server setting to tweak this?