Thralls being too weak

Does anyone else think that thralls are just way too weak? I have maxed out thrall with a grey ones two handed great sword with 78 damaged and me with my iron sickel does more damage


I feel like it just needs a little buff and health wise too but I’m liking it for pvp wise thralls we’re too op at one point

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Not I… I think depending on how you set things up they’re basically invincible. I even started a thread called “Thralls are still WAY over powered” or something like that with a few videos showing why I thought so.

Hehe, one of the more silly videos…

No. You need to boost up your Authority stat. A high authority stat and a high level thrall are not weak.

If you are ignoring your authority stat then yeah, it will seem thralls are weak.


That’s true for “followers”. Your base guards aren’t affected by that though.

I got it all the way up especially since i saw i was able to get 2 with me

I can see that against your character (everyones character in general) is quite hard to fight against and they do a good amount of damage but when im out hwre fighting an aardwolf or even a dog they have a hard time killing it so i would say they should as the guy from the first reply said give it a little boost on the damage

I think so too tho health wise i think they are quite set i have a level 3 hyborian that kept getting health perks and she is now at 6668 health and she still got like a perk to go now imagen that being vatality

That part is on you mostly. Yeah, a nice 81dmg 40pen 2H sword with a poison attribute, the best foods for 10HPS healing, your authority stats, and your participation are needed in some situations when the thrall is a follower.

IMO the thralls are OP and the only problem with them is the AI. If you’re not controlling them they can get in a bind pretty quick. And in 3.0 it’s not just control but you need to be fighting along side them now more often than in 2.8. A very good and very needed change that came with the new update.

There are also follower-killers out there and the game wouldn’t be any fun if there weren’t. Low armor, low health human thralls can die pretty quick from an undead wolf. Cats can bleed out pretty quick and don’t have much armor penetration, Shalebacks hate poison and so on… So you gotta make sure whatever you’re going up against, that you have the ability to send and keep the follower out of the way while you kill whatever it is you’re fighting - or at least hack on it till your follower recovers.

Thralls are definitely less that they used to be.

Is that too weak?
If you wish to sit back and watch them do the killing for you, probably.
Are they too weak to be useful?
Some will definitely age as well as stone swords.
They may be able to contribute during purge defense, if leveled and geared, but many thralls can no longer be taken directly off the wheel and be expected to function more than less.

On a personal level, this one prefers that.
Nothing is uglier on the server than a yard full of meth addled miscreants in their ratty t-shirts scratching themselves on some cheapster’s lawn.

To be fair, thralls are less observant and quick witted than a box of rocks. This is something of a problem, but it is far from a new problem.

Friendly reminder that the authority perk that let’s one bring and extra tag along also means the authority stat passive bonuses don’t apply to either of them.
Considering the alternative is +20 to everything…
The latter may be better for having a survival follower late game.

It’s not new but it’s now much worse in 3.0 than it was in 2.8. :stuck_out_tongue:

This one thought it was just the jank that’s currently on PlayStation.
Good to kno-
Er, this one laments that it is a universal concern.

No, not a platform jank. And some of it is actually on purpose according to Dennis. I think he said something like “followers will now just stop and take a break sometimes…” :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case the AI has been messed with and they introduced some more anomalies with the changes. The most recent hot patch touched AI again by my estimation but I’ve not been playing enough recently to have sussed out all the diffrerences.

Dalansia Snowhunter has more than 750 HP. Thralls are definitely nowhere near as weak as they used to be.

I do not feel they are weak at all
I currently run 20 authority with 19 of it corrupted and the war party perk
My thralls are dressed in voidforged dragonbone armor like they always have been and they absolutely smash everything while I stand back and watch firing an occasional arrow to keep their damag buff from corrupted authority up
They even absolutely wreck spider and and reaper queen bosses while hardly taking damage in return because said bosses die so fast
I have not met a boss my 2 zerkers could not solo and solo fast for me as of this post

If Dalinsia didn’t have more than 750 HP that would be kinda disappointing.

I tested it, and they are weaker, that’s for sure.
BUT! They are not weak! And the point of change was exactly this: they were gods almost nothing could kill them even without food healing. Now they feel more like your (still extremely dumb) partners. You have to be engaged more in a combat. I did not have problem with this, I barely gave them food and stuff for healing, but for exchange I always fought with them and I bet I did more damage than them.

For testing and getting into it I specced 10 out of 20 in every attribute, it is a nice midline.
But now the differences between builds are bigger in my opinion. You can’t just throw points everywhere and be adequate at everything. You want to have huge HP and be strong? You barely can carry your sword, and if a follower is with you, it will serve almost as a decoration.

What I find weird, and have to get used to it is the stamina. If I want to have as much stamina as I had pre 3.0 at 25-30 points, I’d have to maxx out Grit now.

No they are much better than before lol… the 20 attributes perk is busted.

Even for pets or let’s say especially for pets, a lvl 1 normal Hyena becomes extremely strong and kills easily anything aside from bosses.

I went on an official server into warmaker with a lvl 1 berserker with trashgear and me with weight gear to get the black ice, and he cleared everything besides the arenachampion with Beeing above 90%hp
So how much stronger do they need to be ?
Isnt it enough that a lvl 1 thrall can clear the earmarker dungeon ?
When i got out of the dungeon I went to kill red mother no problem.

And that was without me having Follower dmg gear and no buffs and me just watching

Thrall had trashgear and only a 2handed sword

Thralls are useless and not worth getting. Plain and simple.

The authority perk is the biggest bs ever Funcom released so far. If a thrall is not able to deal enough damage and kill on its own then he is ´not needed. They literally turned thralls into a pur cosmetic feature.

Why on gods earth should a player ever sacrifize his atributes esp. strength or vitality or mobility to his thrall? Makes no logical sense. You are better of fighting by yourself. You gain absolut nothing by skilling authority. It makes you weak to everything for nothing. Makes you 100% reliable on thralls. More reliable then ever. How is that an improvement to before? Turning yourself into a weak apple that dies from everything and has no power just so your thralls not dying instantly while standing right beside a worldboss? You are faster and less vulnerable if you take a thrall as is and fight by yourself. The thrall will die but at least until he does he deals a little extra damage to your target. Rinse and repeat.

I have never seen a more useless stat in Conan so far.

you use poison arrow to defeat ennemies quickly and heal arrow and they are a lot.
The goal is not to make them useless…