Thralls dying without reason

Hello fellows. Any known reason why my thralls dies suddenly without any reason? The logs report:

Xxx, property of zzzz, lost his life[2].

Strange thing is that seems to happen only with workers thrall.


Sadly, it is a known bug that has existed since the Age of Heroes launched.
If you are on public servers, that’s just how it is.

If you are on a private server or run your own/single player you can deactivate Live Settlements. They won’t wander around, but they also won’t randomly teleport to the vortex and die.
As a bonus, they won’t randomly open the door to let monsters or enemies in.

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Is there any word on them patching this? Over the last 4 days I’ve had to replace all of my thralls at least once. I have over 60 of them. I can’t really do other things because I have to keep the wheel of pain at all times.


Official, Private, or Single player?
Are there any NPC camps/creatures close to your build?

These are basic questions, because we found some workers who had been killed, but it was a troll drawing enemies over to do it. He would bring them along, and then watch as they killed workers.

Other than that, I have no reports of random deaths or disappearances since the patch several months ago from anyone on our official or private server. Yes, we asked.

It probably has to do with living settlement pathfinding (which would be more adequately named pathlosing) system making them do stupid stuff if the buildings are not “of their liking”.

They will get stuck, “teleport” abruptly, fall, or simply go face mobs if the base is open enough for them to think the best path to something is through “outside” your base.

And the game wont be able to fix it until they either change the pathfinding system overall to take buildings into consideration other than their mere existence (pathfinding understanding what is “inside a base” and what is not, without being a designed camp like the ones in the main map), or making a specific pathfinding class to artisans to use on living settlements that create a subnav mesh around the perimeter of certain types of building pieces, which exclude from pathfinding anything that is out of it.

This has been fixed.
Also note, thralls now act as guards so they may be attacking wildlife barehanded and ungeared/untrained.
After Funcom patched the live settlements teleporting thralls bug I’ve had no issues for a good 100 hours.

This may have been fixed for you but hasn’t for everyone.


To add another data point which may or may not be completely meaningless…

Three days ago I broke bond on an old fighter thrall. His stats were crappy and I wanted his armor for a new thrall. I’m at 59 of, if I remember correctly, 95 thralls. Not even close to the limit regardless.

The next day I had a cook die while I was offline. Today a tanner had died. So that’s one per day since deleting the old thrall whereas before I had not lost any to this point.

Maybe coincidence. I’ll be keeping an eye on it.

Eyes were-hyena quality control responsible for the spawning algorithm with distain and hatred. If someone is visiting your claim/base during this event, the were-hyena will spawn to attack the person visiting. The 320HP version can spawn inside your build on the second story and quickly stack a bleed on a >1kHP thrall/dancer/crafter fairly quick. If your base guards are not quick enough, your shieldwright with 700hp gets ganked along with the dancers. I have been diligently working on replacing any sub 2khp crafter either by taking them out for a murderous warpath through the jungle leveling up or replacing with quality t4 crafters from mounds/NA/Sep. Then arming them all in Perfected Heavy with Master’s modded battle spatulas whilst in camp. Until this silly event is over, take care of your crafters, they dumb.

This absolutely could be it or at least some of it. Both the thralls I lost were t3’s and only wearing what they came off the wheel with so not too sturdy.

Didn’t lose any today at least.

Still see lots at 0.0.0 as well. I haven’t had any turn up there yet though it’s possible the ones that died ported there and got killed by the nearby wolves.

There is also the problem with the damage being factored wrongly given certain server settings not all open for you to edit on the game itself.
It is what was causing the erratic results, like people not suffering fall damage, or taking “multiple times the damage” from friendly fire, or dying in one tic of bleeding.