I want to discuss some thrall balance. I will refer to Exiled lands only and will point out every fraction. For now, the balance is not quite good: t4 Purge thrall from Berserkers is worse than, I dunno, Undina Bodyguard. I will write the bonus attack for each point of strength gained and experience needed: 1x (noob zone), 2x (mid tier), 3x (high tier). Usually there is a connection: 1x has 0.8% bonus, 2x - 0.5%, 3x - 0.4%
I have already done some math in this post:
1. Volcano: 0.4%/1str, 15 str, 3x exp, 2.21 melee mod
4 named male thralls with no “unnamed” version
Guaranteed spawn NO
Spawn points
Well, I can get one in 1-2 runs in Volcano, I like that they are not super rare and kinda risky to get
Purge version
1.768 melee multiplier with 0.4% bonus, is it a joke? All Purge versions are WORSE than regular ones
My opinion
They are kinda OK, but shall be slightly better than any others just because of risks and no guaranteed spawn point. Would be nice if some of female archers would become a fighter, I like girls in my army Purge thralls need to be reworked
2. Cimmerians: 0.4%/1str, 15 str, 3x exp, 2.24 melee mod
Female/male unnamed thralls with named version: Dalinsia with 2.21 melee multiplier but more HP
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
100% guaranteed for unnamed and rare Dalinsia
Purge version
1.768 melee multiplier with 0.4% bonus, is it a joke again? More hp but LESS damage
My opinion
They shall not have better melee multiplier than volcano guys, especially if we point out that they have 100% spawn point so you can roll the fighter untill you get a nice one
3. Nordheimers: 0.5%/1str, 30 str, 2x exp, 1.93 melee mod
4 named male fighters with Lian guaranteed spawn and extremely rare Chieftain Varulf and Chieftain Derulf mini-bosses with 1 skull, which are WORSE: 1.82 melee multiplier
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
100% guaranteed Lian, a bit rare Janos (tbh I bump into him every time I walk around Asagarth), extremely rare Chieftain mini-boss spawn: the only one 4% point shares 9 named Chieftains
Purge version
1.547 melee multiplier with 0.5% bonus, no comments. They are just bad.
My opinion
As above, Purge versions shall be stronger. I want Chieftains to be more powerful since they are a super version of Janos and Lian and are even more rare than Dalinsia
4. Relic Hunters: 0.8%/1str, 0 str, 3x exp, 2.21 melee mod
Unnamed thralls only, named versions are unknockable any more and are mini bosses… why? And they are x3 exp needed for levelling but have “noob” bonus: 0.8%, is it a bug?
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
100% guaranteed UC and Wine cellar
Purge version
1.768 melee multiplier with !!! 0.4% bonus !!! WHY? Why Purge versions not only have worse multiplier but bonus also?
My opinion
Their miniboss named versions can’t be converted to a thrall, which is illogical: we have Pirates, Exiles and Chieftain minibosses. Why were they removed from the thrall list? Second thing, why 0.8% bonus? Seems to be a mistake!
5. Pirates: 0.8%/1str, 1 str, 1x exp, various melee mod
1.547 Unnamed Captains, named version: Ioushuwa, three nice pirates: Undina, Gaal, Hekkr, a bunch of 1.456 Minibosses aaaaand… TEIMOS 2.08 who ruins all this pokey-pokey party with his enormous melee multiplier
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
100% captain, 100% Undina/Gaal/Hekkr, 100% Miniboss, 80% Teimos
Purge version
1.2376, no comments again
My opinion
Teimos. Any additional words needed? He beats every, EVERY Purge t4 fighter and is located in noobish zone having 1x exp needed and nice spawn point, TONS of hp.
6. Lemurian: 0.8%/1str, 20 str, 2x exp, 1.6575 melee mod
They have no combat voicelines, rare spawn, no guaranteed spawn point
Guaranteed spawn: NO
Spawn points
2 points
Purge version
Eeeeh… No purge version? Am I right?..
My opinion
They don’t have guaranteed spawn point, are extremely rare and have no Purge version. Strange guys.
7. Dogs of the Desert: 0.8%/1str, 0 str, 2x exp, 1.56 melee mod
N’Batu. That’s all folks, but who cares about Dogs fraction. They are strange. No information about Claw of Sag is provided on Wiki btw
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
One guaranteed
Purge version
1.326, meh
My opinion
IDK does someone use them?
8. Darfari: 0.8%/1str, 0 str, 1x exp, 1.404 melee mod
Female/Male Brute and female/male Ritualist, some other male guys. Want to eat you
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
Ritualist 100%, Thugra 100%, not rare Brutes
Purge version
My opinion
Unnamed versions, you can roll the look you like, nice. Some named versions, but they are not better. At least 100% spawn. Easy to get
9. Exiles: 0.8%/1str, 0 str, 1x exp, 1.3 melee mod
100% Miniboss spawn point and some thralls near Sinner’s
Guaranteed spawn: YES
Spawn points
A bunch of minibosses and rare versions near Sinner’s
Purge version
1.105, worse
My opinion
You can get your first t4 thrall quite easy. Why not? Nice start
Purge versions are weaker, LOL. Teimos from noobish zone beats Volcano guys. Relic hunters have buggy minibosses that can’t be turned into a thrall (I know that they could be in an ancient patch, maybe return that back?) and strange bonus multiplier on non-purge fighters, like 0.8% vs 0.4%, it is clearly a bug. Chieftains are super rare and super weak. Lemurians are the only race that doesn’t have guaranteed spawn (Volcano guys don’t have, too, but there are 4 fighters and a LOT of locations they can be found) and they don’t have Purge version fighters… and voicelines.
I really think developers should rebalance fighters and their damage output, make Purges stronger with a nice reward: strong fighter. My suggestion is:
- Make Purge thralls stronger AND give them increased chance to get str/acc (90+%) so you kinda get a guy who is 100% super strong
- Return back Relic Hunter minibosses
- Tune RH, Chieftain and Teimos modificators
- Rebalance Volcano
- Add 100% spawn point for Lemurians and a Purge version
Hope the post will get noted by combat designers. Have a nice game!