Thralls no longer doing full melee combos

On PvP, my thrall does use the full combos with greatsword, or at least 3 attacks of it for sure. But sometimes he doesn´t because he gets staggered of course.

@Kapoteeni The next thing to test, since you’re already so deep I to this research, is how a Bearer thrall does. My T4 bearer thrall has 9990 HP now and was killing Nords with a Dragonbone spear too easily for me to see if she was using full combos

I use a T4 bearer, they seem to just make one swing, no combos. Thats with Shield and 1h axes. Same happens for truncheons.

Not sure if any weapon works, as I haven’t really experimented much. But since my Captain does the same thing, I switched to T4 bearer as my main body guard.

I didn’t do any extensive, scientific testing, but I’ve had a bearer in a handful of fights wielding the same weapon they brought with them, or another weapon of a similar type, and they don’t seem to do any combos. I believe this to be intentional; bearers have enough hitpoints now so they don’t accidentally die to a random hyena while you’re harvesting resources, but they don’t replace actual fighter thralls in the hurting others department.

Amzadi the Wanderer, Eina the Light, Fairin of the Wild Coast, several innocent (and a few naughty) Relic Hunters and a group of skeletons who were apparently upset that I made noises that interrupted their religious ritual participated in this cursory experimentation.


Game mode:Online Official
Category: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: EU

Today I ran into an issue with my Daicas and his sword of crom. At first he normaly attacked enemies as soon as they hit me. He to does only the first three strikes but never the forth one, completing the combo. However after some time he refused to fight completly. He had only this one weapon in his hinventory. I tried to relog, closed the game, move back to base to stop following and replacing him. Disconnecting afterwards. Still he refused to attack even with a different melee weapon. Finally fixed it by giving him a ranged weaopon (bow) made him attack again with both the bow and the two handed sword thereafter.

EDIT: What I had forgotten to mention, maybe relevant: during this issue I noticed that there was a sandstorm bus it wasn’t rendert for me. Only the hint message was shown and damage was inflicted. Like when you join into the server during such a storm. Don’t know if this is a different bug or it was some sort of syncronization issue. But before I always had the sandstorm in the unnamed city aswell.

That’s strange, but i saw also some reactions in this way.

Mostly it happened to me when i asked them to waite, then to follow again. But this can be just a part of a bug, or trigger it, i don’t know.
I tried the sword with most all Berserkers in game, and all act bit same.

On the other hand, i had also in the past some other fighters stopping fighting, this indepedant of tier or weapons, they just wanted do nothing.

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