Thralls not doing Damage

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

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Private ps4 server thralls and archer’s not doing damage to NPC,S when striking them. It is a pve-c server. Anyone else have this problem. Thanks have not seen it mentioned yet. @Narelle **

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

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@LordKAA I know you are bouncing around forum have you heard anything. Thank you

I’m sorry unfortunately not. I did see something about server sync issue on Gportal. But it was just a mention;

Are you aware of the long standing bug that basically resembles the issue you are reporting? It’s caused by being too far from your follower.

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Unfortunately I am at work and getting messages through PSN.

No problem do you know the region of the server? I am a member of a couple of private servers so I can go take a look if the same thing is occuring… although mainly PvP, I am on one private PvE C server.

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Yes it is EST just sent a message to a server owner out of Alaska to check on condition. We did get kicked out of pve-c to pve after the update but are back now.

Do you mean when they are on follow or you when they are on guard. If you mean on guard, I think we have the same, they won’t damage the mob, unless you are near them.

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Hi again,

I tested on 3 private servers US, and EU. I tested fighters, and archers… they all work for me.

Have they checked their combat settings, in the server settings?

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He just told me he checked settings and they wouldn’t even kill a hyenas. My wife’s telling me others were having a problem yesterday. I will have to verify what is happening when I get home.

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Well he was close enough to archer’s to see them shooting will learn more tonight. Thanks will report what I find.

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Yes well it thankfully it doesn’t seem to be widespread issue as far as I can see.
Also it doesn’t sound like the long standing issue with distance that Narelle, and I are describing.
Let me know if you need me to test anything out later.
Hope you can resolve the issue.

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Thanks I’ll let you know.

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Not sure if this would work for you, but, on my end.

Thrall guarding the base, I set them to “Attack All”
Thrall following me, I set them to “Guard Me”

I had an NPC following me and the Thrall did nothing until I changed the setting, same with the base.

Good luck.

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Went out last night set follower to attack all he. Fought and did damage. This could be a intermittent problem will have to check further.

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