Thralls trivialize the game

This attitude is why you can’t have nice things. It leads to further division of the community with an “us vs. them” mentality. Disregarding the opinions and enjoyment of a significant percentage of players is bad strategy. Even if it doesn’t affect your gameplay directly, it will have an indirect effect, considering the way the game is designed.

Only by taking an approach where we can respect each others’ playstyles as equally valuable will we be able to make the game better. Not just better for you, because you alone can’t keep Funcom afloat. Ultimately, this may require splitting the game into two (or three) entirely separate products with separate rules and balancing factors, but until then, we’re all in the same boat and it’s counterproductive for PvE and PvP players to try to row in opposite directions. It consumes our energy and escalates hostility between the two playstyles, but takes us nowhere.


Dude forget it.

Rebalancing aka nerf will come. PvPers are crying again and Funcom will listen again.

All nerfs in PvE came from crying PvPers. And even when they say, dont touch PvE, its Funcom we are talking about.

Where was rebalancing based on crying PvPers great for PvE? Oh, yeah, never since I play this game.

I will wait until this rebalancing happens and will decide what todo then.

One thing is for sure, I dont buy any DLC anymore until this happens.

If Funcom can only please crying PvPers, then remove PvE and PvE-C completely.


No, I won’t. Just because the track record for rebalancing has favored PvPers (who, by the way, are not a homogenous group and don’t agree about the changes even among themselves) doesn’t mean things will remain that way forever. If PvEers and Single-players give up, then PvP will be the only voice Funcom will hear, so obviously all future rebalancing will be based on PvP needs.

But, as I just said, an “us vs them” mentality is unhelpful. All feedback should take into account what it means for PvE, PvP and Solo. All balancing decisions from Funcom’s part should take it into account, too.

That said, PvP among all game modes needs a fair and equal playing field. The game world isn’t actively going out to get us (except for Purges), so players on PvE will always have the time to figure out countermeasures, tactics to beat the challenges, stockpile resources and evel up thralls. PvPers don’t have that luxury - there are only the quick and the dead. That’s why I understand why rebalancing focuses on the PvP aspect of the game. PvEers will have a harder time when their favorite toy is nerfed, but they can figure out ways to replace it with something else without fear that the local alpha clan comes to pay them a visit and roflstomps their base to the ground.

All that said - it would please me greatly if game designers took their time to fully consider the effects of rebalancing from all sides of the game instead of going overboard. Drastic changes will upset PvE players too, and although I can sort of understand how adapting to these changes would fit into the survivalist mentality a Conan Exiles player should have, a constant need to adapt and change can be taxing. Playing a game should be fun.


Lifeblood spear is the perfect example on which playerbase Funcom bases the game :smiley: This item is so bad, that passive healing does more…

Act of Violence the next thing - finally a weapon where you felt strong against bosses in PvE → was able to one-shot human players in PvP → the whole crit chance mechanic gets removed from the game (has effected 3 weapons)!!

Alone the logic behind thrall nerfs: People take the strongest thrall, put them in the strongest armor and give them the strongest weapon and are wondering, why it is so strong faceplam

So, when thralls got nerfed, whats next? Lvl60 gear, as it is way stronger than gear before?

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It’d make me happy if players fought players on PvP servers and not on the forums.

We’re all playing the same game, so we should try to work together to make the game better for everyone. This divisive attitude where some people seem to actively want to hurt the other playstyle hurts us all.

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We will have to bring this up in our next PVP meeting with the devs @zerog. We have not been forcing our ideas enough as PVP. Those weekly meetings on Wednesdays have gotten lax :slight_smile:

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Maybe looking toward the future might help a bit: currently on TestLive the mobs will by default aggro on you from many dozens of meters away. Some players have expressed concern that this harms the solo player, because they cannot pick and/or choose a suitable approach. It would not be a playstyle they can adopt, but rather one they are forced to accept.

I know that this setting is altered by a range value in the main game .ini file. It seems to me that this “very high aggro” setting would also lend itself more to the Barbaric game mode.

In essence, we have clickable game mode buttons that mask the scary .ini values already, I’m proposing that aggro be added to the gameset so that the easier modes of play are also easier in that respect. To me, some UI breakouts with sliders and checkboxes will help immensely, not just for Aggro Range but for respawn range, minion damage and minion health.

The final element of this proposal would be that official servers have a similar “standard, medium and hard” setting that streamlines this process. For all I know, some people actually enjoy PvP with a One-Shot Snowhunter in tow. I don’t, and I don’t try to impose my “not likes” on others.

I really don’t get this, the game is really not hard at all on normal settings. Those player should just stop marching inside a huge camp thinking they own the place. Combat isn’t really that hard in CE especially since its static. They should just learn to play, the exiles land should be a brutal and unforgiving land, we are in the Conan universe after all not in a super happyland.

I agree, there should be servers with difficulty settings.

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There is a MaxAggroRange setting that can be accessed through things like Gportal, so for SP they would need to add a slider in the Settings, but at least the control point is already there. At least that would cut down on the overhead for Funcom to make it addressable on an individual basis for SP.

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Yes but when a game becomes brutal to play, some users are likely to not play. Just because life is brutal in the exile lands, it doesn’t follow that the brutality extend to the player. What is “really not hard at all on normal settings” is why there is a difficulty setting. What is difficult for some is easy for others and people are happiest when they can tailor the game to their liking. The game has a gazillion settings to do just that, so having one more controllable from the in game settings panel is not taking the game away from it’s intended design.

Having more options is nice, but there are plenty of options that can lower the combat difficulty, i don’t see what else can be added, if you are talking about aggro range i find it refreshing and suitable. Before you had to go really close to the mobs to aggro them so close infact you might argue they need glasses.

In all fairness i don’t really care if they add an aggro range option. Speaking for normal difficulty i find it adequate.

I haven’t played testlive so I’m not sure how the range was changed exactly, but if the base range is suddenly changed for PVP reasons when there already does exist a setting for servers, I would expect the setting to be made available for single player. That’s the kind of thing that starts the PVP/PVE/SP/RP wars afire is when for the sake of one, all are changed when it’s quite simple to make it environment specific.

I don’t get the divide in PVP/PVE/RP/SP. I do believe the only thing that needs adjusting are thralls in PVP. We really can’t have thralls one shoting people. It remove the aspect of PVP and lets payer’s thralls do all the work, whats the point of being there as a player lol. For RP the aggro should give player more immersion since NPCs arent that blind anymore. SP and PVE can’t really say anything since there is no threat to player except for the purge.

The divide in my opinion is created when all environments are affected due to a concern of one. The server settings exist and are great for tailoring the experience for each environment, so for example, a patch or two ago, thrall power was nerfed, even though there is a setting (currently disabled) called minion damage or something like that. All servers were affected by the change because it was applied top down to all as a “fix” for these types of concerns. Until it becomes common practice to use a setting instead of adjustments to the base game, discussion like this have at their heart a core mechanic change because that is the way, up till now, nerfs have been handled. So when someone comes in and says “Thralls OP!”, those of us who like our thralls as is get prickly because if the “Thralls OP!” crowd get their way the way things have occurred to this point, all of us, private servers, SP, RP, PVE and PVP are going to get the same outcome. That has become a bit tiresome as those of us on private servers pay an annual fee to gportal, love the game as is, only play with friends, and because someone somewhere is a jerk and does something to someone (branching off of the thralls and moving off to stuff like weapon combos and obby blocking and stuff), we also get the game we play nerfed. This needs to change.

Nerfing all thralls also because the very best of the best are just that, the best, completely bends the game to the min/maxer crowd (of which I tend to be, but that’s my choice with my own consequences). The game already has an issue with whether or not anything below a T4 is worth your time (I would argue that in general, they aren’t). Why make them that much more irrelevant?

I can only speak for myself in that I actually like that there are certain thralls that when leveled up, are gawds. I may be in the minority, but I have no problem identifying with the thrall over the character I customize at creation. i can change the thrall, go get another, focus on someone for awhile then move back; all in the name of variety. My character is static and boring. I get to level 60 and that’s it; party’s over. My thralls on the other hand have endless possibilities. So I don’t buy into the group think that “my thrall is more powerful than me!” because I don’t see that character as “me” and I don’t understand why most everyone else does either. Your thralls are like any other strategy game; they are a bit autonomous but generally focus on the things you want them to focus on within game mechanics (for me on ps4, that’s still follow, guard, scout).

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The problem is, YOU are for own rules in PvP. And I am also for that… If PvP thrall dmg gets tuned down and you cannot have a thrall following you on a horse during PvP time, then everything would be fine and great.

But where, except giving PvP MORE (XP and resources), is anything else different between PvP and PvE?

And thats where the “fear” comes from, that when Funcom listens to the PvP players (which I completely understand) the “rebalancing” will also hit PvE.

it’s always difficult to balance games where both pve and pvp settings are present, they need different game mechanics to work corractly for their approach.
But talking about thralls, they are overpowered in both situations, they should’t be able to 1shot anyone in pvp and they should be that powerful in pve to run solo instances without problem, just carrying a thrall and some arrows… And no, taking a weaker thrall won’t solve anything, stop saying that.

I’m happy to see that they are going to take action about this, i hope this will be for the better.

I don’t know about elsewhere, but thralls on my server can’t one shot anything since the last PS4 patch. They could, now they can’t.

Taking a weaker thrall is a viable alternative to those who can’t stand their thrall being more powerful than they are. Simply ignoring it as a possibility means you aren’t interested in the facts. Weaker thralls exist. If you want weaker thralls, use them.

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And none of the world bosses drop anything you cannot play the game without, so weakening thralls would not hurt anyone either. No one needs legendary, as Dragon bone and flawless star metal work just fine. But in PVP, you have no choice but to get in on the OP thralls, or you will be beaten.

Ok then, if all you want to do is building stick to t1, less complications and less dangers, stick to newbie river too, you won’t find much trouble there. you don’t even need a thrall! such a wonderful game with so many options to play with…

I’m not the one complaining thralls are OP or trivialize the game. I’m perfectly happy smashing stuff like butter at level 60 with a level 20 thrall. But for those who think the game is too easy because they use all the best stuff… well, don’t use it.