Nerfing thralls is a tricky thing. So a hard nerf to Thralls for PVP would cause issues in PVE. While the bosses are easy with or without thralls. They are designed with thralls in mind. When a world boss has 15,000 health. It can a long time to kill without a thrall. Its harder that way, its just tedious and time consuming.
So there’s two ways to go about this.
First one is to leave PVE alone. What you do is adjust the damage formula for thralls to NOT include their Melee/Ranged Damage Modifier when attacking players. This way a Dalanisa Snowhunter with a Sword of Crom doesn’t do like 300+ dmg a hit. Players are still rewarded for giving their thralls hard hitting weapons and boosting strength.
For animals, lower their base damage and give them MDM/RDM to bring them back up to current values. So a Greater Sabertooth does its dumb dmg to mobs, but hits for like… 30 against a player.
The Pro to this is players won’t die to thralls in one or two hits.
The Con to this is the Thralls are still sponges when it comes to HP.
The Second way is an overhaul of bosses and thralls in general. Now I am NOT suggesting that we put thralls back to what they were. They used to not have bonus stats on their own, and only got say STR from armor. And their HP was bad. Like Dalansia had the most at only 750.
750 is still higher than a player’s HP, but she died quickly when used in either PVP or PVE.
But I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Thrall health cut at least by another Half across the board (well not exactly half, maybe 25-50% depending on tier and tribe with the higher ones getting the biggest cut). In addition I would remove their hidden Melee/Ranged Damage Modifier stat entirely. Put the focus entirely on the STR/ACC stats (by making each increase dmg by 2% like for players).
In addition make it so they have HP from VIT be the same across the board. None of this some thralls get 60hp, some 75, some 90, some 120… mess we have now.
Then rebalance bosses HP across the board (again) to compensate.
The Pro to this is substantial. You wouldn’t have thralls doing all the work (right now a decent named thrall or any named thrall, can solo every boss in the game without input from the controlling player). You would have an understanding of how well a thrall will hit without having to consult datamined tables online to see which ones are better. You won’t have thalls two-shotting people. And you wouldn’t have thralls dominating the PVE scene either.