Game will never be truly fun until the player is stronger than his thall/pet

I’ve been using thralls for quite awhile now to hold off large number of attackers that are raiding a base. You have to setup the thralls correctly, have them properly equipped, and you make use of smart base design.

The raiders are limited to only the thralls they have on “follow”. Whereas a defender can stack tons of thralls inside and around their base which will often overwhelm the attackers and drastically slow them down.

Thralls were originally meant for base defense from the inception of the game. Thralls break the fun of the game? I have a TON of fun using them for base defense. Fun for a defender. Not so fun for raiders.


U know, it’s still possible to bring more than 1 thrall each as an attacker. And most likely a defender wont have all their thralls at the same surface.

A lot more fun to be able to defend by yourself, instead of having thralls that does it for you. Ofc, they should be able to defend. But still 2-3 hitting a player is still to strong.
PVP is called PVP for a reason, maybe FC should have some TvT servers aswell where people can have their “fun” with thralls. :slight_smile:

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I have a thrall right now with a bit over 6000 health and they rarely go below 90% health. So this isn’t true.

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I agree the thralls are OP.
However you can always build your own fun. The most fun I have currently is on pve-c official. Me and another player just do dungeons and world bosses without thrallsYou can always create your own fun, but that’s the sign of a bad game and badly balanced game that should be addressed.

It’s like playing chess and saying the queen is too strong so just play without her. If that is what you have to do to make the game fun (cut out a bunch of content like harvesting thralls from purges - which is challenging, training them up to lvl 20 etc) then there is something wrong with the game.

Obviously going without thralls is one solution but it’s a bad one, and there is no reason not to say so.

Thats a matter of opinion really. Your thralls have undergone hardship on the wheel like conan and as such, could easily be reasoned to be tougher than someone who hung on a cross for a few days at most. Thralls are a weapon like any other;

Sure, and there is no reason to think when you play something like Starcraft that there could be an AI that was developed with advanced comptuers that is better than you at managing your resources and upgrades and combat so engage that AI and sit back and let it win. Sure that’s “realistic” but it is not why you play a game. Walking through a game killing world bosses by hanging out and having a drinking party while your thralls kill it and you not hitting it once screams there is something wrong with the game.

I pretty much share the same view as you, but the problem is that this game tries to also be PVP while being PVE. And thats pretty much why balancing is almost impossible. You make thralls weaker and players able to solo bosses “naturally”, that means that PVP servers with clans will clear this content much faster, and thats not good. Adding different damage values between thrall - player - boss would be a bandaid solution, but it still would feel clunky.

Yep, thats pretty much the top suggestion when thrall balancing comes to the table, “make your own balancing”. I guess its just because this a lowkey sandbox game and that gives a sense that everything is intended or good enough, and every change/tweak must come from the player. I personally disagree with this, we have official servers and singleplayer, thats how devs see the game, and how its meant to be played. If those settings are messed up to the point where you have to make up challenges to make it more engaging, something is wrong.

I’ve been playing this game called Greedfall for a couple of weeks now (completed it two days ago), and there balancing is also terrible. The solution was using starter armors that looked cool instead of stat optimization, along with max difficulty. Some spells were also “overpowered”, so they were not allowed. It was a fun experience, but does that mean that the game is fine or balanced because i can do those things? hell no. It would have been much better if properly balanced, and the tag “sandbox” does not change that.

You do realize that when someone starts the game, they don’t know what the best thralls to get are or have access to epic armor right? Nerfing them harder will just frustrate new players which is the exact opposite of what we need around here.


I would believe that a new player would know that 2 is greater than 1, and 3 is greater than 2.

I’ve got a new character going right now, I was using a Bearer 2 to carry junk for me, and to cover my rear. They’re in Vanir Settler (whatever they came with). So far its been doing pretty well.

They have half the HP I listed and they have a MDM of .45 meaning they do 45% damage. Not bonus damage. Less than half of the listed damage. With a 22 dmg weapon they’re doing about 10 dmg a hit from their bonus strength.

With my suggested changes that thrall would have double the health, and do double the damage. I don’t believe the new players will be frustrated by that.

What you wrote can just be done by buffing the player damage in the server settings though. If you nerf thralls, and nerf bosses, you haven’t really done anything that requires Funcom to make any adjustments to the game itself. Not only that, if it were done in the base settings, you’d just be forcing your playstyle on people who don’t want it, which if I’m not mistaken is a bit of a bugaboo around here to begin with.

How bout people who don’t want to pay for their own server just live within the rules of the game and leave the people alone who pay for the extra service? Too much to ask?

The suggestion

So basically make your own balancing, in your own server

Just like unbalanced thralls do with everyone that doesn’t like it, or like how it happens with people that don’t want to use gigantic crafting benches. These people can only use a worse version of them (compared to the pre-patch ones), so basically being forced. Or how fishing now requires baits. So FC does change their game and force changes into people. Why not another one? These “make your own settings” always come from the idea that what we have right now is the perfect setting, that should never change. Which is ironic because the game is constantly getting balance patches and changing how things work.

People don’t want to make servers to change their game, so just go and make a server :confused:

None of that is reason for yet another change. “it’s been changed, lets change it further” is not a reason. There have been many changes that I didn’t care for; the last thrall nerf for one. Just compounding the issue is going to drive more people away, not less.

I’d be more receptive to the “nerf this, nerf that” arguments if they were actually pointed at making specific environments for that kind of play, like certain officials. The whole idea that we all must have a change when some are bothered is kinda ridiculous. At some point, enough is enough with the “balancing” act and we’ve achieved “good enough”. There is no meter other than what Funcom wants as an outcome, but I suspect they are also conscious of continually touching the same mechanics being offputting to the playerbase.

I didn’t ask for Thralls to go from 200-750hp to 12,000hp, but that’s what happened. They’ve toned it back a tad, but they’re still far ahead compared to what they had and its made the game vastly different than what we purchased three years ago.

Is it too much to ask for us to have the change reverted and then YOU all who want those thralls can use a mod to do so?

It is too much to ask when you are asking for action. What’s done is done. When asking for something new to be done, the onus is on you to prove the need.

That’s already been done.

You stated an opinion about thrall strength. Thats a far cry from demonstrating the need. Feels alone dont cut it, unless you’re Alex. He gets what he feels is correct. We have to persuade him and Funcom with more than that.

didn’t they announce in w=one of the last 2 testlive updates that they finally added a Thrall vs player dmg setting. Or was i dreaming???

They did announce the new server setting for thrall damage in Testlive.

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So Christmas 2021 for consoles then lol.

I haven’t played much lately so i can’t judge 100% but I think it seems like they’re close to a good spot now.

My latest thrall was lvl 16 with decent perks, good weapon and only non-epic flawless armor. So not top tier, but still pretty good. If I wasn’t careful 4 skeletons could easily stunlock it to death. I would constantly out-aggro it on bosses and had to heal it up way more between bossfights than I used to. I’ve run warmakers with a thrall with worse gear where I only used one healing arrow per run in the past.

after being beaten, tortured, gruel diet and made to get beat up while the player just stands around.

why the thrall doesnt just kill the player and take their stuff is beyond me.

Well, the wheel kind of explains it to you… breaks the spirits while making the body strong. You basically create a hard hulk with a potato brain. (and the programming accounts for it, it really does have a potato brain)-.

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