Thunderfoot Elephant Impossible to Damage & Low Exp Rewards

Game mode: [Online | PVP]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [America]

[Elephant boss impossible to kill on official PVP server using my best thrall one that could solo the arena champ “could” have not dared attempt since patch. Regular elephants give very little exp so little they not even worth fighting anymore less than the Rhinos in the area. To add have the same issues as others that posted thralls no longer doing weapon combos and the Horses being chase by enemies that will cause the game to lag out. Thralls not healing at a fast rate like post patch to many issues to even name patch should just be rolled back until all these issues are sorted out like playing a new game and not in a good way just learning ways to traverse the games piles of new problems. ]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Fight Boss Elephant
  2. Fight Normal Elephants
  3. Try to heal Thrall
  4. Take Horse into battle
  5. Play game
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