Major Animal and Thrall issues

Game mode: Single-player
**Type of issue:**Overall issues with Thralls
Server type:PVE

So saw a corrupt black kappa fighting a corrupt crocodile. Those Poop boys at the river killing every baby kappa they can find, over and over and over . Rhinos attacking scorpions in Set City. Wild thralls are so broken, you start a fight , in the middle if you get a few feet away to heal or move to a different spot and the thralls de-aggo then the Wild thralls runs back to his starting spot and heals fully instantly. Fall damage is insane, thralls on follow will stop and start a fight with who ever catches their eye and all of a sudden you get a message your thrall is dead and you are not even in battle but thrall is just gone. Thralls on follow will port to you and get damage from the port over and over and as no health over head no way to see if they are in trouble.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Start game
    2.Find any animal or wild thrall
    3.Watch their A.I.
    4.See how broken all A.I. is at moment.

I would also like something for a comment other then we are aware of this issue as I am aware you are aware that this patch is broke but I would just like an answer as to when these issues will be fixed please be it a day, a week, a month , never. I know with this work at home its harder to fix things but really just when will we get a hot fix that fixes these issues. These issues are game breaking and take any joy out of playing.

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  1. I love the interaction between wild animals right now. The world is much more dynamic (less static). So animals going after one another = great.

  2. Thrall “tethered ranges” seem to have a good distances before “resetting.” Yes, it can be weird that they suddenly stop fighting you and turn around and run back.

  3. Fall damage feels like it should have been in the first place. Falling should have consequences. I’m glad this bug has finally been fixed.

  4. Thralls on follow – should be set to defensive (not attack everything in sight). That’s just a matter of changing what you want them to do now.

  5. If thralls “porting to you” is causing them damage, then that’s a bug. I agree, that shouldn’t be happening.

Overall, in spite of the few bugs, I’m thoroughly enjoying the new Follower II update.

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Like the update too, harder now.

I do have a problem with Thrall going back to original location while in a fight, Thrall gets full HP real quick.

Also your thrall won’t spawn in when fighting at the Sinken City, stays at the top.

So as you enjoy it , it is not broken? I do not enjoy the interaction between animals, it is broken and not how it is suppose to be.

  1. They run like 10 ft then run back to their home spot that is not a good distance. why is that change not in the patch notes if it is intended. its a bug.

  2. Fall damage from falling from a one story building,I can jump off my roof and not get hurt so sure a thrall can too or I can in a game. And if changed why is it not in the patch notes. It is not its a bug.

  3. My thrall was not set to attack everything in sight that is the bug.

  4. And yes that is a bug them porting and getting damage. All 5 are bugs no nothing in patch about any of these being intended.

I do, I spend 30 mins wearing down a boss he de-aggo and runs back to his spot and heals and my 30 mins is wasted, yes I do mind that crap.

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Me too?

Correct. I enjoy it and it is not broken. It is how its supposed to be (it just never was until now).

I do not know the default distance the NPCs have, but after interacting with NPCs at Scavenger’s Berth, I can confirm that they run further than 10 ft.
The Conan Exiles measurements used in game is by meters, so I’ll use that here. Each foundation is roughly 2.5 meters (2.55 meters if you want to be exact). So that’s 2 foundations per 5 meters. Thrall control settings that we have been given include:

Attack Distances:

  • 5 meters = 2 foundations
  • 10 meters = 4 foundations
  • 15 meters = 6 foundations
  • 30 meters = 12 foundations
  • 50 meters = 20 foundations

When pursued from Scavenger’s Berth, I would say they chased me for approximately 50 meters before disengaging and returning with full health.

This is the first “draft” or “version” of the new AI system. If you have a specific location that needs further tweaking (and I’m sure there’s going to be several), please post specific locations so the devs can investigate and, if agreed, make the appropriate adjustments.

Congratulations on your physical prowess. Unfortunately, I don’t think you were the standard by which the devs were measuring thrall fall damage numbers. Setting that point aside, you may have a point about the fall damage being too high. Please note that in the past, one could fall from hundreds of meters in the air and still receive little to no damage. So now that falling damage “is a thing” it may be cranked up a little too high.

Personally, I have not done any testing with fall damage numbers. Knowing that falling could hurt or kill was sufficient. But if you have some data to submit to the devs about fall damage, please do so. After all, we do want the game to be fun and immersive. So please share specific details.

Ok, so what was your thrall set to do? What was the attack distance set to? What was the chase distance set to? Which behavior did you observe that was inconsistent with what you expected?

It should be noted that attack distance means a thrall attacks enemies within that range without provocation. So just walking near something is enough to trigger an attack. Chase distance, however, is how far, once provoked, the thrall will run after something. So your thrall could be set on an attack range of 10 meters (that’s about 4 foundations) and have a chase distance of 50 meters (meaning if an archer fires an arrow and hits him or you, he will chase after that target up to 20 foundations away). I’m giving some specifics here so you can help identify what the bug might be so the devs can check to see what’s going on.

Please continue reporting any bugs you see. I’m certain that this version of the Followers AI behavior will need to be tweak in the weeks ahead. Furthermore, I’m not trying to dismiss your comments and hope that you will indeed continue reporting so we can tweak the game to become even better.

Why not changing the Title: Major game issue?

Totally agree. I have the issue trying to get a high level thrall to my wheel. If I avoid his crippling strikes by rolling away too far, he will eventually turn around and run away (and the trugeon beating progress resets).

Where was this taking place?

Maybe NPCs that are actively engaged in combat should have double the maximum chase distance?

On the one hand, if a player gets in over his head, he should be able to run away (so we do want a limit), but perhaps that limit is too short right now when the player isn’t just running by, but has actively engaged in fighting the NPC?

Around the west side of the mounds for the Cimmerian Beserker. He just up and runs in to the cliff and teleports back. There weren’t any other npcs around. He followed me to the area in the water with the bonfire (I hit abd rolled back the whole way there).

Are you a Funcom game dev? Who is this we you are speaking of, this is a bug report not a conversation on if you like it and I do not , these are bugs or these changes would have been in the patch notes along with all the other changes to A.I and if they are intended then I would like someone from the company that put out the game to listen to my bug report not some one who is only going on their personal wants.

Also as this is a bug report then I am sure someone from Funcom will answer if these issues are bugs or new AI which got left out of patch notes somehow.

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