Game mode: Single-player
**Type of issue:**Overall issues with Thralls
Server type:PVE
So saw a corrupt black kappa fighting a corrupt crocodile. Those Poop boys at the river killing every baby kappa they can find, over and over and over . Rhinos attacking scorpions in Set City. Wild thralls are so broken, you start a fight , in the middle if you get a few feet away to heal or move to a different spot and the thralls de-aggo then the Wild thralls runs back to his starting spot and heals fully instantly. Fall damage is insane, thralls on follow will stop and start a fight with who ever catches their eye and all of a sudden you get a message your thrall is dead and you are not even in battle but thrall is just gone. Thralls on follow will port to you and get damage from the port over and over and as no health over head no way to see if they are in trouble.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Start game
2.Find any animal or wild thrall
3.Watch their A.I.
4.See how broken all A.I. is at moment.
I would also like something for a comment other then we are aware of this issue as I am aware you are aware that this patch is broke but I would just like an answer as to when these issues will be fixed please be it a day, a week, a month , never. I know with this work at home its harder to fix things but really just when will we get a hot fix that fixes these issues. These issues are game breaking and take any joy out of playing.