...to say thank you

Dear Funcom team, dear developers, community managers and fellow members of the Conan Exiles community,

“Crom… I have never prayed to you before”

The world of Conan is merciless, the internet is often even more merciless. Sometimes it feels like My body fell through the world. We’ve lamented, we’ve ranted, and we’ve certainly made life difficult for you at times. But like Conan himself, we know: There are always two sides.

“The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist and the wind in your hair!”

This game is more than just code and pixels - it is a passion, a refuge, an adventure. For some it is their livelihood, for others it costs them their livelihood.
(maybe we could discuss the bazaar prices again on occasion, but that’s another topic…)

“… but I seldom pray to him, he doesn’t listen.

Thank you for all the epic moments, the lamentations of their women, the triumphs and the memories you’ve given us with Conan Exiles - even in difficult times.

“He won’t cry, so I cry for him.”

Well, I could cry, but I’d like to encourage you to leave your mark on the board. (To take this opportunity to say thank you)

Thank you Conan Exiles!


While I agree with the sentiment in general, I find this an odd point in time to say this, with all the things going wrong and how game breaking issues are being handled at the moment.
Momentarily I am more down the line: wtf are you doing?


In official forums, the tone is often harsh, and it’s natural that threads tend to focus on bug reports. That hasn’t changed much since I first started playing. Sure, there were different bugs in 2018 than there are now, and I got frustrated by different issues back then, but here I am again.

There have been some real improvements, and the team is still working on optimizing the game. Can you believe it?

We complain, and new things inevitably break – that’s just the cycle of it. They keep working on it, even if not always on our top priorities. I mean, hey… I no longer fall through the ground, I can’t always buy what I want in the Bazaar, but after 4,000 hours, I’m still happy to launch a new session.

Considering all this, I felt it was finally time to just say thank you. There won’t ever be a more “perfect” moment than now.

Or more diplomatically: We only thank you for the joy we had playing, explicitly not for the trouble.

this year? i have NOTHING to thank funcom for.
i already thanked them on previous year, this year, they should be the ones to say thank you and sorry.


I dare not even answer that. There is a german word for that : verschlimmbessern :slight_smile:


who said that?

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Verschlimmbessern ist stark untertrieben :sweat_smile::rofl:

“Durch den Fleischwolf gedreht” wäre meine Zusammenfassung des letzten Jahres… und der Hälfte des Jahres davor… seit AoW halt :man_shrugging:


ich wollte so positiv wie möglich sein :smiley:


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