To Whom It May Concern at Funcom

I appreciate the small patches that you are rolling out to fix the issues with the current patch you implemented. However, the patches only seem to work for -some- and not everyone that has purchased your product. I myself have bought Conan and all the DLC for PC through Steam and I enjoy playing the game very much. However I am still having issues where the game itself allows me to connect, stay on the server and run around for about 2-5 minutes before freezing. I open my task manager to see that the game, no longer named ConanExilesSandbox.exe, but instead now named UE4Game.exe is no longer responding.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, unsubbed from all mods, even verified the integrity of game files multiple times. I am still getting this same error and cannot play at all. I am running on an ASUS STRIX Z270G Motherboard, i7 7700k Processor, 16GB RAM, ASUS STRIX 2080ti GPU, 1000w Power Supply, Liquid Cooling and a 4TB SSD. I had no issues with this game BEFORE your current patch. After reading things through the forums, none of these patches have fixed my issue nor the memory errors some other are getting.

Please, just do us all a favor and ROLL BACK the patch. Put it on the Test Servers where it is meant to be to be tested before implementing it to the LIVE servers. Let us play the game we paid well over $100 for while you have the time on the TEST SERVERS to fix whatever it is that may be broken. Again, I appreciate the time and speed you are trying to make fixes, but the outcry on the forums should be more than enough to have to revert back to the previous version and implement the new when it is fully tested and working.

Thank you,


wow now you cant even play without internet,
the meme about each update making the game worse is real, sorry but online only is dumb im gonna ask for a refund.


agree 100%. Same exact issue that happens to me.


Agreed 100%

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No offense but if I could understand what you just meant I could probably respond? Poor wording choice or…??? I was merely stating while I appreciate their work the forums outcry for a roll back is needed so everyone can play.


@Andralinde Levity. Your words were profound and i had nothing usefull to add so I took the liberty of attempting to be sarcastic in this dire situation (hence the pandemic mention). useless thread fodder if you will

Completely agree with you Andralinde, you speak for many of us who have had this exact same issue.


Be a fly on their wall, walk a mile in FUncoms shoes.

They are hemorrhaging stonebrick right now. TP shortage too.

I keep saying the ghost of SWG is in the halls of FUncom. They out did SOE by a mile this time.

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The best thing they could do is just revert it prior to the update and like everything, literally everything would be solved.


This is how a developer who already has your money acts…or fails to do so. To roll back the patch now would admit defeat and hurt those fragile egos…“Funlive Must Succeed!” so they’ll nerd it out in their little rat dens while the affected player base dreams up new ways to roast their manhood over the campfire. I have over 650 hours in this game and not one of those hours has been on a live server…do I need Funlive? Oh god…give it to me… I must have FUNLIVE SERVICE!!! Right now I’d settle for the game I had yesterday which would at least start. The law of unintended consequences has ruled this game’s development from day one. How nice it must be to never be held accountable; to have a “captive” audience you can pander your broken refuse to without a single shred of conscience. Ahh yes, It must be be nice being a FUNCOM dev.


Signed - we need a rollback ASAP!

Same here!!! Totally killing my server! WTF!!!

Logic would assume that the only reason they have not rolled back to just before the update is because…THEY FORGOT TO BACKUP BEFORE APPLYING THE UPDATE.

So, thats most likely a no go. The really FUBARd this time.

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@ Ludwig Anyone told you your’e a complete … yet?

Yeah, I think they should just roll back

very nice post, polite and with good information along with your complaint.

Im afraid that in Funcom they are all square minded and would prefer to hit the wall 100 times till it breaks before admitting they made an error. And to be honest I think they dont care a dam about us, I have more than 2000 hours in exiles and had more than 6000 on AOC. This time the mistake has gone too far and if we dont get a patch to put things back to how they were before yesterday morning we should ALL ask for an imediate REFUND of the game money.


Sad thing is they will NEVER roll back. They have never done so even from the open beta days, and they never will. This is not the 1st time they have completely broken the game with a patch and sad to say this will not be the last. At least FUNCOM is consistent in one thing and that is breaking the game with each and every big patch they release, no idea what the test live environment is for to be honest. Anyone that played this version on test live would know that it was still broken af.

The fact is, no matter what they say, FUNCOM doesn’t give a crap about their player base and just does what they want without any repercussions. Heck they said they fixed a bug where people might get stuck in a rhinos hitbox, good gawd we had that issue since open beta and STILL it is not fixed, I tested for a little last night while I could and the getting stuck is worse then it was before but alas, they have to put something in the notes that they fixes just simply to make it look like they actually tried to fix something, but those are empty words as they haven’t done anything really to it.

Avatars fixed you say mmmmmmm then explain why it’s not active yet on official servers if everything is fixed they way they said it was…