To Whom It May Concern at Funcom

While I agree that they should stop f-ing up the game, most complaints make it sound like they’re deliberately breaking the game. If we approach this with common sense, even if they didn’t care for the playerbase, there’s no sense in trying to deliberately break the product either.
And if they didn’t care for the product at least, they wouldn’t be updating it at all. I don’t think updates are necessary at all, in their contracts, so they must be doing them because they care about something. This is also not an update that costs any money, so it can’t be money either.

Now, I don’t know what the motive is for releasing something that’s already established in the dedicated -testing- platform, that is broken, bugged and awful, but I -suspect- someone from higher branch told them to do it anyway. I don’t think the poor guys now working on fixes are the real culprits here, but it’d be nice to have a face to direct that anger at. Preferably the face actually responsible for this nonsense.


They rolled back 7 or so servers about a year ago when someone hacked in a 100 foot chick and one shotted many Alphas bases.

So Funcom can and has done server rollbacks.

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I can imagine Funcom ofices in Oslo right now, they had their 12 o´clock brunch of cold sandwitches and then back to coffee, they are sitting in the meeting room showing eachother some of our complains to findout whos got the funniest one at hand, then they try to get to do something about all this mess but they realize its 15:00 and that they might as well call it a day and see if someone gets a brilliant idea. Suddenly one of the new temporary staff members says: why dont we do just what the people are asking for?
The chief executive looks at him asking: just what do you mean.
The guy replies: lets roll back to before the patch, after all this is not a FTP game our clients had to pay for it.
Then the chief executive takes a sip of his black coffee and looks at the guy straight in the eye: you know what smart guy?..your fired.
To be continued…


Nice, but! You can’t fix the game, it’s not your fault.
Funcom - doesn’t listen to players, their feedback, they are not interested in anything.

I’m disappointed since they destroyed AoC and they do the same with CE :frowning:

@Redneck rolling back servers is not a rollback, its a restore of the server backup. People are talking about rolling back the game to the previous working or lets say fairly kinda working stable game, not a specific server.


I went all the way to rent my own dedicated server, with high specs and tick rates to at least enjoy playing CE with a couple of friends, I don’t know what to do anymore, tried restore from previous good backups, reinstall the server, uninstalling all mods, even fresh install, I’m still unable to connect to my dedicated server. It has been more than 24 hours, I can’t understand why would you push untested builds to live production game, instead of their test live builds first.

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Given Funcom’s excellent track record with eliminating bugs and fixing performance issues…LMAO!!!
Sorry, I was going to say something positive about that, but I couldn’t keep a straight face. :wink:


you could be the first… nah

My first post on the Funcom forums; kinda sad that this present debacle is the reason for it. Not that I’m new - I’ve been playing since early access. Played MMO’s since Everquest’s beta test period, and clearly recall the disaster of their go-live. I’ve worked in IT, specifically in software testing & upgrades (not games), and been part of several game beta tests over the years. So I have some idea of how these things should work.

Update 41 is how you don’t do it. Major, fundamental changes (the ID thing for example) need to be tested until they are bullet-proof. The last thing you want is for the system (game servers in our case) to not be available. Even worse is for users to lose their data (characters here)! Granted we’re talking about a game here, but still I am… agog at the recklessness. If this were an internal corporate system, whoever signed off on releasing this would probably be looking for a new job.

Priority 1 needs to be restoring system functionality and lost data. If that requires a roll-back, then so be it. The longer this goes on the more upset the users (customers!) are going to get and the more of them will walk away - and that means they won’t be buying future DLCs. Some will probably at least think twice before touching another Funcom product! Yes, some customers will be upset because they lose whatever they’ve gained since the patch, but they are likely to be more understanding than those who have lost everything. Either way, the Funcom team wears this.

For myself, I’m relieved I check the forums every morning to see if there’s been a patch, and what the results have been before I even think of starting the game. Needless to say I have not tried to get in game at all since this patch! Nor will I until I read that the situation is resolved.

One other thing: It’s my observation that this game seems to be growing more fragile over time. It seems that every time a new update or DLC is released, the issues that appear are more severe than what cropped up in earlier updates. Again, that’s not how it’s supposed to work - sure things will accidentally get broken, but the overall system health should improve and be more robust.

Anyway, Funcom get your act together. You really *****'ed the pooch this time.


I don’t want a rollback. My game works fine. I made alot of progress in the game today and I wish not to lose it. They said tomorrow they will adress the other bugs with a patch. Be patient.

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Does any of you complainers, conspiracy theorists have any kind of physical evidence that they do nothing, or money grabbers and god knows what other names you calling the devs? Just asking for a friend??

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I hope a lot of progress doesnt mean your a pvp player that has raided all of us while we cant enter the game.

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Laughs in Vault

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funcom volver al juego como estaba tanto os cuesta rectificar y reconocer un error que pasa con la base de jugadores que hace que esto funcione nos ignorais volver los esclavos como estaban son inservibles ahora para que los queremos ahora chapuza no incompetencia total volver acomo estabamos anteiormente ya un respecto a la base de jugadores

every comment here,so far, is in English, what makes you think we speak your language?

Roll back the patch. It’s been over a day. Decay timers are still running as far as I know.

I think the issues preventing Exiles from running are small and known by now so release those known fixes as a small patch or rollback the the big horrible one from yesterday.

Nothing wrong with raising issues, but there is a problem with people raging, swearing, calling all devs on names or other players who disagree.
I mean look at the forum bro, flooded with nonsense and hundreds of treads, so even if someone offers some sort of solution or help it gets lost because there is just so much unnecessary topics and comments everywhere.
Like this one, there is no solution offered, and there is no relevant information that will help a developer isolating or fixing the current issues.
Don’t get me wrong is it a well written and polite tread (I dare to say one of the few that is not raging) , it’s just useless

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People have the right to be angry about these anti consumer practices, it will force the company to adress the issue. Online only requirement is bullshlt


Yes you right they have a right to do so.

Being angry, violent, or aggressive towards others will only achieve the same response.

Also don’t forget, sometimes the person who gets abused has nothing to with the issue in first place.

Maybe, but you’re yelling at the wrong company. Funcom is a name now, nothing more. Tencent owns Funcom, and Tencent makes the decisions on what happens to and with Funcom games. So complain to Tencent. I’m sure a Chinese government controlled gaming company will be more than happy to listen to your feedback.

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