Too much stamina consumption for weapons

Of course nobody would try full combos against enemy players, but even in PvP you got to do PvE stuff. And often it makes sense to switch your build. Idk it’s weird to have full combos in game but the stamina is drained too fast (depending on the weapon).
While roll and polk grants you with almost infinite stamina? :joy:
And let’s make that clear, im not a PvP veteran i just got started in that mode. But the game itself i play since release.
So I’m sorry if it’s unclear from time to time what i mean.
However i think what bothers all of us the most is the inconsistency of the game.
It undermines the reward of knowledge and adapting of mechanics. Because who knows how long it stays the way it is.

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I like that idea btw

Welcome back @UNfun, nice to see you finding your interest again. Pvp has feelings you cannot feel in other modes but they are not all pleasant :rofl:. Yet you’ll enjoy it, that’s a guarantee.
Have fun and stick around please , your feedback is precious.

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Oh lordy, here we go!

While Stamina and Hyper armour are two separate issues, that they were rolled out so closely together… That’s lead to some challenges in figuring out what is boring.

This one does think that having it all together did create a much more severe impression than discrete roll outs would have. Also, it would have been easier to see how they interface with each other.

The total package lead to roll and poke-premacy.

While this one felt that Hyper Armour needed some attention… the results were… Over much.

Thank you fellow exile for your kind words, i appreciate it.
I took a short break but now back in action.
Can’t believe you think my feedback is precious.

Anyways, i guess i already felt some of these feelings. The moment you log back in and finding yourself in the desert is really great! :joy:
But we learn from mistakes.

I just hope the additional 4th chapter will raise the bar in terms of quality. On ps5 the game itself often is your most dangerous enemy.
But if you have played on ps4 yourself, you know what i‘m talking about. :sweat_smile:

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That’s one of the reasons i create female character with great… heart :wink:.
Log in naked in the desert does not look so bad, lol :rofl:. But that’s exactly pvp my friend, if you hate to spawn in desert, then don’t pvp :man_shrugging:, simple as that it’s a part of this game. So you’ll definitely have fun in pvp servers, your mentality is very correct.

But let’s go to stamina consume again while you pve on pvp servers. Have you tried the sorcery gear 4 perks in strength? Even with such low stamina you’re a freaking beast, this maul is something else. The funniest part is that wearing this armor, for some reason you run as fast as the quik footed perk but with zero points in agility. For pve this gear rocks and it needs zero agility, try it whenever you can, if you wish of course.

Exactly my approach , the view doesn’t hurt me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not yet, but i want to try at some point for sure, i think my stuff decayed already. I don’t even know when i logged in the last time. But i remember i left my character with an overencumbrance/authority build. You can grab as much mats as you want and level 2 thralls along the way. It works pretty fine i just have to get better at staying “under the radar” as a solo.
I made a pretty nooby mistake, won’t bother you with the details. “Teleporter” that’s all i‘m saying. :grimacing::sweat_smile:


Does she have 2 hearts? :face_with_monocle: :rofl:
Also the view when climbing or swimming :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


One large that needs space both right and left, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Also when placing bombs or riding a horse.