Total Fail - Servers

I was able to get in a little this morning, started a character and made some progress. Have been trying to get back in for hours and every PVP server is full still. I have two choices apparently, not play on the type of server I want (and start a new character again) or not play.

Absolutely terrible guys.


Launch day!!! :sleepy:

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Yeah, i mean I expect some bumps and I can be pretty forgiving. But when I can’t even log in to play because they don’t have the official server space to accommodate even half of their players, there is just no excuse



We expect bugs, but official server shortage is unacceptable.

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I was the 4th one in at 4:03am. Wife got in at 4:20am. She went to work I stayed in.
By noon local time it was full. I just got out, so she can go play.
So now I have to wait.

Im telling you kids, its SWG all over again…

I read here on the forums that they sold 1 million copies of the game, only have 1200 spots in the servers for players. Honestly I have done the math several times…I cannot find any problems here!! C’mon guys, this is totally normal!!, for funcom…

Play online, back, play online, back, play online, back, Play online, back, play online, back, play online, back,Play online, back, play online, back, play online, back,Play online, back, play online, back, play online, back,Play online, back, play online, back, play online, back.

This is what I do every night FUNCOM.

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I haven’t played a game recently that hasn’t had the exact same issue, ARK was much worse tbh

Ahhhh, but we were fooled. Go get your own server, and there is no wait, and FC gets the kick back.

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