Training ground to level up thralls

So you place the structure just like other tables and you put your thrall into it and it will level up through training on the equipment, it will need alot of food and water to keep running.


No way, why should every single thing that requires actually playing the game be removed??


Well you still have to go out and capture them, or buy them, just means you dont have to run around everywhere just to level one or two guards.

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it not a bad idea, maybe we need to capture creatures to put in for training, or grind for a lot of materials to summon creatures to figth with the training porpouse, something like this with a high rotation of resources could keep the player more intersted than killing apeman and gorillas or anoying the stygian commander. The possibilities are infinite but, i doubt FC will take this unless if generate revenue. The game is quit old dont know if they have big plans.

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Anything that adds to player quality of life will allways bring in more money, if you need less time on guards and defense, you have more time to explore and get things done. PVP at the moment means attacking someone while there offline, it should be players and their armies attacking each other. And yes you should need alot of Resources to keep it running so that means you need to get out and play the game for example for food and replacing the training equipment to repair it etc, it should be accessible so no star metal or something lol. or make Iron, steel, hardened steel, which allow you to train more troops, but then again the bigger and more thralls the more repair and food, water you need.


I suggested an alternative for this back in the day: rather than leveling up (ie. from level 0 to level 20) the thralls, these training grounds could improve the Tier (ie. from I to IV) of the thrall. This would make capturing (or rescuing or recruiting) lower-tier thralls somewhat more useful.

You’d need to both pay them money, as well as feed them with high-tier foods (such as feasts) for them to go up tiers. This would give us a use for all those food recipes too.

You’d still need to level them up in live combat.


Love it. It needs to be a slow process, with caveats that could eventually kill the thrall. Witcher like stuff! :laughing: Link it to sorcery. The lower the starting tier, the higher the risk. Tiering up has an increasing risk of killing the thrall. To become a t4, 70% of chances of killing it. If it survives, make it an awesome thrall. Apply it to crafters too.


I like the idea of using pets to train against. Be uses for the non greaters. You catch a pet, raise it in pen. Non greater is produced. You then put that in thebtraining ground with a thrall. It will level. “Training” tine could be like 3 hours. Taskmaster would reduce time based in tier. Interesting and still pushes playing to get pets and possibly equipment. The type of weaponnwill dictate Agility or Str focus.



If WoW is a sample of training grounds used for background here, I’m gone. Need something new, like this evolution of Conan.

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Take them to the Unnamed City or Warmaker. (Even at 0)

As long as YOU are actively fighting / paying attention they’ll be fine.

Max out Authority, take Commanding Presence, pick your poison for the end perk and it’s not that bad.

Gear those babies properly too.

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Not training ground as in a mission they virtually go and do but Training equipment you put the thrall into, so you see them swing and hit the equipment they are still physically there and you can take them out to guard at any time.

Tempting, but we know the best looking thralls are T1… I’d have to capture a butt load of pretty Nords to make it worth my while. :expressionless:

Now you’re getting my angle, @jmk1999 ! :smile:

There is one very specific reason why I had that idea in the first place.

Well, my current Exiled Lands character is a mad scientist/sorcerer with no moral scruples, so this would be fine by him. An amalgam of Victorian horror, 1930s Weird Tales and modern age super soldier serums wouldn’t be very far out of place in the setting.

And you know, that random chance of losing thralls sounds just like something Funcom’s RNGesus worshippers would do.

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While I can sympathize and relate that the time training hard leveling thralls is not worth the effort, I don’t like the idea of a training ground just because it’s like others have said. It sets the precedent that playing is optional and only needed to refill your base with resources so it can continue to produce. It turns CE in the a Tycoon game.

I think with the various thrall discussions going on, we need FC to officially post what the intent of thralls are and are not. Too many people have too many different ideas of what they are ranging from Rare collectables in the game to be displayed to other players as trophies to expendable shock troops to PVP base defenders. Once again, FC is quite silent in their intentions and somehow have conflicting mechanics within the updates and this adds to the confusion we have as players.


There’s something that I don’t like in that narrative, @erjoh .
When you are at a point where you are the chieftain of a fortress, have a small army of thralls and crafters but, hey! we need stones and sticks, it falls upon you to gather them. It’s RIDICULOUS.
You need to renember that not everyone plays in small hidden bases, mate.
I think a settlement system is long overdue. Make it optional, but I wouldn’t mind automating minor tasks.

OK but within the scope of the game limitations, thrall count needs to be drastically cut to something like 20 because you just added a crap ton of AI processing to these guys. Whether you like it or not, there is a limit to what the game can do since UR5 is off the table.

Like I said, this is where FC needs to tell us what the intent of the thrall is else we will always do this run around with what we personally developed (for the record, the hidden bases were only PVP. Now that I have branched out into all aspects of the game, I am also go manors and castles out there in the wild depending on server).

I wouldn’t mind it as long as the trainer thrall uses the knife hand on the new recruits

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Not necessarily. Add a trading post bench. You can buy resources there or it can slowly gather minor resources for your base. Sending thralls to the world, as fun as it could be, would put an immense strain on the server. It could work in synergy with the wealth system. You could bulk sell to the trader useless gear, armor, etc, trading it for gold coins.