Tribes of the North DLC Request

Please, new vikings like DLC
Based on reconstruction

All like Vikings

Acces to sea was possibility to vikings(scandinavian tribes), but other tribes, like slavonic or germans was wearing same equipment.

As was most of Europe in the Dark Ages.

Between Nordheimer and Cimmerian equipment I don’t see much room for DLC content, other than building pieces. I’d love to see northern log cabins as buildable stuff.


Yeah, more costumes for theme park builders.

Cilivilian close, normal wepoan not designers bu11sh1t, different armors, round shileds, and build pices.

I’m sorry, I don’t know Russian so can’t really read what the article you linked was about. Can you explain in further detail?

One point to keep in mind, though: the game is set in Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age where there were no Vikings like there were in our world in the 9th to 11th centuries. Funcom has a licence to make game content based on the Hyborian Age (drawing inspiration from various sources, including Howard’s original stories, Marvel Comics, and the movies), and cannot freely add historical or fantasy elements.

  1. Link reconstruction of the war of the northern tribes
  2. A set of materials on the reconstruction of burials, as well as the culture of northern tribes from all kinds of events.

Yes, I always keep this in mind, especially when I see the Romans of the 2nd century AD, the Greeks of the 5th century BC, the European knights of the 16th century, the Celts of the 5th century AD, and so on and so forth, and all this in one game, and it’s not civilization. Of course, I read Howard’s books, a very long time ago, but the references were more vague, and without explicit indications of material culture.

Howard work is vague enough, because it clear that he was not an expert in history or are really cared about historic accuracy, so this allow Funcom to be somewhat flexible in bring historical accurate culture aspects in the game as long they can link it to an aspect of Howard’s work. The thing with dlc is funcom wants to make sure that the dlc sells and more historical accurate items may not sell well without adding a more fantasy twist to the items.

I’d just like more options from the already existing assets used throughout the northern area. Such as a wall in the same style as that which surrounds New Asagarth; or building pieces such as those used within that place. Even a pack based around that syle will do, so long as it isn’t blatantly 1:1 from the original stuff.

Perhaps they can do an Aesir set? They aren’t that different from their Vanir counterpart, but there’s enough differences - or indeed just an excuse - to perhaps allow room to make an entire Nordic-like pack.

Oh there is still enough room for at least one relatively untapped aspect of Cimmerian goods and items to be built upon…can you guess what I am going to day here…? Yes friend, we just need create a DLC which adds more Crom features/goodies. For CROM!! :mountain_snow: :metal:

As would I. Personally, I feel that we need some more T1 and T2 building pieces, and some rudimentary wood would be ideal. Something along the lines of this, but with the more traditional four enclosed walls and a ceiling structure.

I would love to be able to create a nice hunter’s log cabin.

You’re right, Howard didn’t go into very deep detail on describing cultures. However, Funcom already made their decision on how Nordheimers should look like, which you so considerately called excrement of a bovine animal. It may not be an accurate depiction of what we saw in stories such as Frost-Giant’s Daughter, but this is the Exiled Lands, and we have Aesir and Vanir living happily together instead of murdering each other on sight, so we’re already pretty far out of Howard’s lore.

So, because we already have the Howardian Viking-equivalents represented in the game, are you asking to replace them with something more historically Viking-y, or are you asking to add something Viking-y that is not Nordheimer?

In game we can see only Vanir stuff not Aesir, not Cimerian (only one armour set) and not Hyborian.

There’s the Pride of the Aesir armor, two sets of Cimmerian armor as well as wepaons and shields - and “Hyboria” is everything from Aquilonia to Ophir.

Don’t forget the boss Ladagara, too. If we’re following the canon - both in-game and book-wise - then she’s an Aesir due to her hair colour; though I can’t tell if her hair is supposed to be a mixture of red and blonde, like Atali, or whether it’s just plain blonde and they just didn’t make a more appropriate hue.

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