Tried a level 3 purge and Died

2 days before the first hunting ends i decided to stop my twitch activity and deal officially with the hunting. So i made a question in here, not wiki…
My dearest Jimbo said it’s just a cape!
The only thing that actually worth the hunting was this cape after all. But the truth is that this will always be objective. So yes, gather info if you wish but in the end only by playing the damn game you’ll really know.
Wiki authors are no gods.
You tubers are no gods either.
They learn something and they share it. For this we can apply our gratitude.
One thing i disagree with wiki is the growth levels of thralls and pets. They are separated to fast, medium, slow or something like it anyway. When i have an Aesir Berserker and an Accursed Berserker following me from zero lvl war party and at the time the Aesir is lvl 10 the Accursed is lvl 8, then these 2 are not in the same category, yet… Maybe i was dealing with a bug and i am wrong, who knows? The only way to find out is to keep playing. So you’re absolutely correct my friend!

Purge level 3 and 4 i hate them becasue there start enemies with explosive orbs that can be devastaed for thralls.
As minimum preparation for that levels of purge i suggest cimmerian warriors III and if you have possibilty, cimmerian berserkers, all aquired in mounds of the dead area. Also as cheap but good equipment for them i suggest full cimmerian heavy armor and starmetal 2-hand weapons dropped from all cimmerians there.
Six cimmerian warriors III with that gear placed close each other with few stack of basic gruel food make them strong “power wa;;” against tier 3-4 purge.

To be fair, the vast majority of people who use it think that it’s made and maintained by Funcom. It’s one of those stubborn misconceptions that will never go away, because people tend to not pay attention to anything that isn’t glaringly obvious.

The problem is that this approach doesn’t work when your game is full of internal inconsistencies, illogical decisions, and poorly communicated concepts.

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I’m still at a loss with quick sort and how that essentially killed the benefits of the specialized storage chests. What’s the point of limiting a chest to only holding mined rocks and ore when I can set up any chest to quick sort rock and ore from my backpack?

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It’s QoL! :crazy_face:

I play that map on a server - took about 4 hours to find it and i wasnt looking for it -just exploring.

My experience from playing the official game helped immensely.

Sorry forums, not saying anything other than custom maps are pretty cool.

You need to spend the time to prepare- i start purges at will now and the level depends on what server im on.

i use combined arms- archers and melee, and different weapons- all legendaries.

Took about 2 years to get a stockpile to equip 4 Official PVE servers- with 20 thralls on each dedicated to purge fights. The same 4 servers are thrall capped - so if i do lose one , i can replace it right away.

There is no easy way to do this other than logging in and playing - bugs ,glitches and all.

The one thing i never do is complain here- i file a bug report and thats it- i move on to continue my purge sweeps.

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I know one World of Warcraft developer that quit his job because of that. He had a meltdown over having to design the game in a way people could watch a tutorial on YouTube and solve everything, which is mandatory in a “Blizzard like” environment. So he quits and makes better games elsewhere in which people have to “play to play”.

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