So, I keep seeing all these trolls on the forums replying to people’s complaints with, well you just need to rent a server yourself… or better yet well official servers are a service that we don’t have to pay for…
excuse me did we buy the game? yes… and when in the hell in gaming history for a solely online game have you ever EVER seen a game released and not had access to play it… online?? its not a free service… WE PAID FOR THE GAME… and it doesn’t cost a GAMING developer much for these “hosted servers” not when they are pushing you to the servers to rent, they have made deals with every host they are on… look at games like " Dark n Light " that is COMPLETELY dead… but they have sooooo many official servers still kicking… you think they are paying for those servers when they are sitting there empty??? if they were paying you would see cuts as soon as populations die down…
and if you played during EA you would have seen that huge drop in population where they had like NO one playing on CE but servers were still all up and running…
So, seriously stop feeding the crap that all funcom is giving us this wonderful service for free so we shouldn’t complain if we have a problem we should just rent our own server… sorry but that is exactly the mind set that has given us this crap half finished game… people just taking the crap with a smile and saying wow thank you game developer this is great, its ok that half the game doesn’t work or its missing very obvious content … i still enjoy that i can login to your official servers for FREE!!!
- They get the servers either for free from the hosting companies as part of a deal to directing players that want to rent to them… or they get kick backs from all the player renting with reduced rates for their official servers… ( more then likely its the first )
- They just sold 1.4 million copies this is more then this gaming company has EVER made… and now they will start releasing DLC’s which will be nothing but a cash cow…
The official servers by not some gift given to us by the Funcom gods… it is something that if they didn’t have they wouldn’t have sold 1/4 of what they did… and xbox and ps4… yeah those consoles wouldn’t have let them release the game period without servers for the players to play on…
Seriously stop telling people oh if your unhappy with this or this just rent your own server… its not the solution to 99% of the problems… a private server is a great thing for sure to mold your own story in conan… especially with the right mods… though as some private server admins have recently found out… when you run your own server and there are updates everything gets screwy when your not 100% vanilla.