I don't understand cheap servers

I just don’t get it. Why does it appear like funcom is hosting Conan on some cheap discount servers? For me that seems like putting cheap recap tires on a new jaguar. When people go skidding off the road, the car gets a bad rep, and no one wants it, then wonder why.

It seems to me if you want to show off a product you would do your best to show it in it’s best light. If some one joins for the free week and experience nothig but stutter, rubber banding, teleporting, and server crashing, they are not only not going to buy the game, and they are going to tell their friends it’s a trash game.

That wont sell many games. Nether will it bring back players that came back to check sorcery.

To me it seems funcom would want the official server to be the best example of what a Conan server can be. My pessimistic opinion is they are set up to be bad so people will rent private servers from some host company I’m sure funcom doesn’t push real hard. But if this is an example of how well their servers work, I certainly wouldn’t rent one from them.

To me it’s like funcom grabbed G portals hand and is punching themselves in the face with it, in front of a large crowd that came for the ice skating, but the fight is blocking the entrance.

The official server I’m on was down half a dozen times yesterday. I had all day to play, got in 3 hours, and not straight. I came on here to report it, and 4/5ths of the forum posts are about server issues. Either servers being down, or in game issues supposedly cause by server crowding.

I bought the game, I’ve bought all the DLCs, I bought the season pass. As far as I’m concerned I have paid for a server to be up, running, and running well when ever I have the time to play, The way things are going now I not only am not going to spend another dime on this, I regret getting the season pass.

I know this will probably get flagged and pulled. But hey, my server is down yet again first thing in the AM, so it’s not like I don’t have the time to post here. My time certainly isn’t getting wasted in game.


It could be 10 servers on 1 machine like Ark does it, but you’re right. The lag makes it impossible to play on official servers. reaching 300-500 constantly and then every now and then 1000+ when you’re just stuck.
This could also be a DDoS attack.


Gosh I don’t even know where to start or all to say. Yes, probably, many of us think this and that. Blah blah blah I guess.

On one hand I feel bad for both the player base and the employees that are working their damndest to attempt to fix all the issues.

On the other hand I don’t. This is of course Funcom’s legacy. The unfortunate thing is the lack of communication yet again. Why can’t they speak to us? What is preventing them?

“Hello players, yes we’re experiencing X problem and are working to address it by Y date”. That would go such a long way to instill confidence and assuage the confusion and dissatisfaction. There’s all kinds of theories here on the forums with a large laundry list that we never get answers for. Some we don’t, some we definitely need it…


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