Twitch Drops Bug

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 8010

Bug Description:

I cant learn the Twitch drops, dont know why, but they appear as not learned and cant click on them to learn them, happens to me since some time already.


This has been an issue for a while now. You’d think bringing in even more twitch drops, that they’d fix the previous issue. Ridiculous.


Same on Exiled Lands official PvE. Single player works fine though. Just the same as the previous drops. Sweet… imagine some nice festive decorations that I can’t even use for Christmas time and likely won’t be fixed until after… :unamused:

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I did the Twitch drops yesterday and I’m getting the same result. I can see them in my skills list, but I can’t learn them. I’m on PS5 and Exiled lands.

I cant see them in my knowledge tab. Do I need to unconnect and reconnect?

I tried that and it doesn’t work. People are complaining all over Facebook, but Funcom have not acknowledged it, shy of a post promoting it again.

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