Unable to connect to funcom live services from multiple accounts and pcs

Was having same problem, appears resolved now for me.

Iā€™ve been having this problem for nearly 2 hoursā€¦ Gave up for a bit but might try again soonā€¦

Iā€™m in - got passed the funcom connection but got a fatal error once it loaded

I have landed on the Exile Landsā€¦

unable to connect to funcom live services right now

Does Funcom ever reply on these posts? Tried tweeting?

Me and my friend are having this same stupid problem right now and we live in different states. Anyone have a fix for this? Iā€™d like to be able to play the game I paid for.


Same problem here

Same problem here too, can not connect !!

This is a bit ridiculous. Friend near me could connect after a long wait, but no dice for me.

working for me now.

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I just tried again, which I have not does since i posted that screen shot above and this time it worked no problem. Connected right away.



Iā€™m still having issues with this. Has anyone come up with a solution?

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