Unconscious NPCs respawn or 'wake up'?

Hey, I’m trying to find a few specific crafting thralls, so I’m going through camps, and knocking everyone out. Do I need to kill the low-tier NPC’s in order for new ones to spawn, or is just knocking them out enough to get them to respawn different?

yes , you need to kill the npcs for them to respawn in a different version , knocked ones will just wake up after a while ( and if you play on an online server it’s considered best practise to not let uncouncious npc’s for others , and kill them (even when knocked you can kill them but have to aim at the ground ) , cause it’s kind of immersion breaking ( at least on PVE & pve-C depending on the servers population , friendly or not … ) for pvp I don’t know if it could be considered a tactic … )


I consider that you gave your fighter a love tap to knock down all the village and you go and check if you want the npc or not, correct? Well my friend I will beg you to change your tactics a little if you may. If you don’t want to keep the npcs use some gas orbs to make sure that every single one of the unconscious will die. This way you will reset the respawn timers and your chances to get a good thrall are bigger. Later on in the game you will learn where to find your favorite T4 crafter and you will go alone and kill only the specific thralls and not the rest. If you want more details about where are the spawns of T4 thralls @Wak4863 has beautiful YouTube videos that helps a lot. Yet again I beg you, don’t leave unconscious villages, kill them all is the best and use your religion tools to wipe them too, thank you.


If you play online they wake up but if you play SP and run away from this location and back again there will be completely new conscious Thralls (and maybe some old unconscious ones but not for sure, sometimes they just disappear). I use to kill all of them to get their loot and religious items (hearts, flesh, souls etc.)


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