Unreachable coffer error from Deathwhsiper ruins, west, to the river

I tried to start a purge., but I keep getting the unreachable error between the two locations. I kept trying to find a spot where I can set it down. Finally almost to the river the purge started when I pushed proclaim wealth.

The fob was placed across the river next to the shortcut. There are several locations where the fob could set down around west Deathwhisper ruins.

The A.I. for the fob placement needs to be improved.

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Exactly. Yet sooner or later you’ll find out dozens of other problems too. The whole purge system can fail for unknown reasons and retreat while you changed literally nothing at the process. Then the camp may spawn attached to your walls and the prisoners that spawn from outside cages, never find a way in to your base. My most recent huge issue in an official server was that the stygian captain was invisible even if he challenged me. I had a purge for over 30 minutes and maybe more until the stygian captain finally got killed from one of my thralls mysteriously :man_facepalming:.
Plenty of problems, plenty!
Somehow however it’s still fun, but it would be really good if we didn’t had so many issues.

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Iv had an issue where I started a lvl 9 purge and after it started and halfway through the purge decided they couldn’t reach my coffer and decided to stop then the purge got canceled leaving me shaking my fist in the air :angry:



Indeed, but ZenDesk can be quite effective.

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Not in these issues m8, not even close. The game is just not ready yet.

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