A friend of mine and i are playing for about 20 hours now. We encounter a problem with enemys spawnig 2 feet away from us or directly in our base. It wouldn’t be a problem if they where other exiled or so, but there are spawning undead dragons and giant spiders near us ,wich is extremly frustrating and anoying. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance
Is this a private server or official? Are you using any mods?
He invited me via psn so its private. We use no mods
Did he mess with admin panel you can spawn those next to you
Then the following question would be , who is the server owner ? ( is it your friends server , or did he decide to play on this server and invited you to join him , on an unknown server ? )
for what you describe , there is 2 possibilities , or the server you play on has this bug where all npcs teleports to the location , or it’s the server admin spawning them on top of your base ( maybe there is a discord , or rules ( as there is generaly on private servers ) that you may not have followed not knowing them … )
I dont think he would spawn those
It is his world, he has not bought any server and we are not on a server that someone else is hosting. As said he has invited me via psn and we are the only 2 Players on this server
I hope its not him who is spawning those enemys
so it’s solo with co-op , then if your base is located in the same area ( if you go look at the link i provided before , you should see some maps with the coordinates of where the 'teleporting npc bug ’ happens )
if not , there is a high probability that it’s your friends doings . You can always ask him directly , start playing on your end ( invinting him instead so you have the admin controls and your friend doesn’t ) or on a third party server ( official or private , but look it up before choosing one if so to be sure of your choice )
Our base is in sector F4 i think that this bug is not happening there. I will ask him later if he is doing this kind of a-hole move. Thank you
I have asked him but he says he doesn’t spawn them. I have looked for the giant spider and the undead dragon and the fandom sites say that those monsters are bossmonsters and that they spawn in certain areas. So he must be lying >:/
There is one last possible explanation , purge settings being overly aggressive ( is there any message , with some horns a timmer countdown and a change in the music , when you got attacked by the monsters ? ) it may be a problem of purge meter filling up to quickly ( if he changed the settings for it )
if not , then I strongly suggest you to start on your game and invite him after ( you can use admin to rebuild your base and give you the same progression so that you don’t loose to much time , but beware of not using too much the admin panel or it will completely ruin the fun of the game ! )
No there wasn’t any sign of the purge( no timer,no message, no horn no nothing). Just those monsters. I think he is lying. I showed him screenshots of those sites and he is still deniying it
As you said bosses ( 3 skull in their healthbar ) have fixed spawn around the map , plus there is a leash mechanic that will prevent any creature from getting too far from their original spawn location , after a certain distance things that you aggro in the world stop following you and return to their spawn while regaining full hp . ( this was implemented to prevent abuse on servers where players would kite bosses from all over the map to other clans thralls / pets repeatedly to kill and loot the thralls ( some bosses like the rotbranch boss have attacks that can hit up to 3 walls high and was often used to kill archers on towers ect … ) )
Yes they had 3 skulls over theyr healthbar. In the gamepedia they are claryfied as bossmonsters.
I can not explain how they get to our base if we do not even get near theyr location. So they must be spawned
If you are playing coop basically on his playstation aren’t the two of you tethered? Or you 2 separate clans? When you spawn in a creature it drops fairly close to admin you would want to be on some thing high so it doesn’t rip your head off. Is he there when this happens so you can see him it a bit of scrolling around to find chosen monsters so he would have to be standing still. If he is not in sight and it happens he could be in ghost and invisible mode you won’t see him and neither will monsters. Please let us know what you find out. @Matzee
We are not playing splitscreen if you mean that. We play with our own consoles. As i said earlyer he invites me via psn. We are in the same clan. He is mostly there when this happens and it happens when i’m not looking in the direction where the monster then spawns or when i’m afk for a short time. He is deniying that he spawns the monsters but i think he is lying. I have no real prove but those mentiont monsters have a certain spawn area and we are not even near that area
Sounds like your friend is trolling you in admin mode. Since this seems to cause you frustration, I would suggest starting your own single-player/co-op session and you inviting them if you still want to play with them. It is either a purge or admin trolling.
Yeah, sounds as if he’s the one spawning things. I can see the fun in that to surprise somebody once, but lying about it afterwards is kind of… unnecessary. Just tell him to let it be - maybe do it indirectly by saying that you don’t enjoy a game that so “bugged” in multiplayer and ponder quitting. He should come to his senses: trolling friend -> friend not playing -> no friend to play with.
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