So we are getting a new Update on the 25th!
Thats awesome!
But why do we need a Compass??
Is this a novelty gadget.
Most of us know the lands pretty good!
Has anyone asked for this?
If I order an espresso, I get a small glass of water and an amarettini with it. I didn’t ask for it, but I also see no reason to complain about the extras.
Very true, but with Funcom’s track record it will almost certainly something that used to work before just fine…even if it seem completely unrelated.
But honestly, was it necessary for gameplay? No.
Because it has been a frequent ask for years.
A compass is a nice extra. I like that it has to be crafted and is therefore optional.
Not really complaining. Just everytime they add something its breaks something.
I was not aware of this! Its good that Funcom is listening to us!
That small glass of water and amarettini aren’t overloading you with weight, every single thing funcom adds to this game stress the engine more and more every time.
The last time this game wasn’t a complete laggy mess was in Age of Sorcery chapter 3. I say complete because it was chapter 3 when I think the engine hit it’s limit and started to show that it was struggling, but yet they kept adding to the overflowing basket
Why a compass? Because there’s hardly anything easier to implement in a game than a compass.
Considering that the other two major updates announced involve removing a feature (al-Merayah) and tweaking some parameters (stamina), it’s pretty obvious that not much actual work went into this update.
It’s far too early for such a statement. Furthermore, it was clearly communicated that there will be a feature stop for this update and that the team will focus on bug fixes. By the way, calling bug fixes no work is a bit cheeky.
compass …
Show me a compass from 12,000 years ago.
This is supposedly the Hyborian Age, remember?
What a waste of resources esepcially for a map that’s only 25 square miles.
You cannot imagine how much.
And this is not a complaint.
The reason i stopped suggesting but not ask is because in the end they do not do it as suggested. I believe that they need to show us that they have multiple ways to implement something in the game, so i stopped suggesting for them to have more options.
But they do listen… A lot!
The compass was probably something they had already finished before they announced their focus shift to bug fixing.
There are assets in the devkit that show work on the Dregs revamp which had also been (very quietly) mentioned was planned for Chapter 2 (possibly including a new hero somehow involved with that dungeon), as well as new mechanics for thrall dodging. These must have halted work with the focus shift, just leaving the compass as the only completed feature.
You have to learn it first. If you want to anyway. It’s not like the orb of light that is being forced on everyone, like it or not. And I do not.
To bring the lost people back to Conan
Now they need to do the same with the map.
Because people are useless, and unable to open their map, get their bearings and figure out where they are. They need help to merely exist
Here I am, trying out my new compass.
Ok, I don’t actually have a new compass yet, but it is going to be made with 10 iron bars, so I figure this is a pretty good approximation of it.
Fortunately, through sorcerous means, the 10 iron bars and piece of glass, which weigh 2.6, only come out to 0.01 when properly smithed into a compass.
Also through sorcery beyond human comprehension, the iron shell of the compass in no way negatively affects the accuracy of the iron needle.
We don’t have any copper though, and I guess you wouldn’t want to make the compass shell out of silver or gold, as those metals are pretty rare… well, except in the Exiled Lands… and the Isle of Siptah.
(I am just making some light fun here, not being critical. Though personally, I would have made it cost 1 ironstone + 1 silver coin + 1 glass.)
Im not a fan of this compass, since that is just one more thing added to make the game easier for players… Besides, we dont really need it since there is the map.
Removing Al-Merayah fort is a good thing though. I dont think any beginning players cared about it and it was definitely a performance hog. I couldve raided it (repeatedly) myself if I wanted, but I didnt feel it was worth the effort. Easier to get gold straight from volcano. New purge is good but Al-Merayah wasnt.
There is very little we know about what else will be changed/added, but its good to have a date.
I wonder if North is going to be pointed in any direction but up on the map. You know, because of the whole “sun rising and setting in the wrong direction” thing.
The question of why still remains. Are people too lazy to look at the map? Now ask what good will the compass really be?