Very bad dungeon design

Yeah, if they went that route, and allowed the doors to be opened from the inside then they could also do the same with the outer most door (the one the Gate Guardian protects). This would mean the only way back in would be to kill the Gate Guardian (for his key) as well, increasing the time it takes to get back to your body and thus increasing the risk of losing gear on death. More risk equals more thrill.

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Things are simple, to pass the door you need a key, if you pass the door without a key accept the coinsiquenses. I know it’s hard but it’s the way it is. If we eliminate all the difficulties of the game then we will cry for an easy game, like we did when thrall were Gods. Maybe the idea to open the door from inside only, without a key, has a fair point, but even if this won’t happen for me it’s the same. New players or old players, the game must have risky challenges for all of them.

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