Visual/Gambreaking BUG/Ghost Trees and Stones

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: EU

Normally the environment close to player build structures dont respwan anymore.

In the past this worked well, but since a while inside my base are trees and stones. The Problem is you can see them and they blocking the way and the option to build there, but you cant harvest them.

This is not an issue that occures only for me. Other People that came to my base have same problem.

For me this is gamebreaking, i cant walk or build inside my base, cause ghost rocks and trees block everything and they are not removeable.

This is now for more than 2 weeks nothing helps.

I accually dont know what to do…

Plz help!

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Try closing the game, verify files and then relaunch.

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Thx for the quick answer…

but thats not the problem… i have 2 pc 1 laptop - all same.

i asked several other people from the sorver to come my base and look… all same!

This is not a file issue… is a loading issue of the game itself…

Try ist yourself… my base is dirctly in the noob area on the shatternd bridge
server: 1060 IP:

I play conan for long time now on serveral servers… never saw that before!

The reason could be that i claimed very far outside… but if you played conan recently there is no other way to prevent enemys from bomb u with treb easy… i claimed nearly 4 quadrants of the map… but not ■■■■■■ fundation lines it looks very decent!

The Problem is still there… anyone some ideas how to fix it?

Hey @Lissy8595

Could you provide a few screenshots so we can have a better look at this issue?

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This looks same here since weeks…
Trees and Rocks growing through fundations… but they are not harvestable or climbable.
But they block building. Once remove some part where a tree or Rock is and i cant replace.
When u load game u normally can see for short time Rocks and Trees spwning but then they get instand removed… but not at my base for some reason. I allready removed parts of the claim but nothing changed…

Thx for Help!

Yes I’ve had this problem to on Xbox but the issue I found is that if there is a land claim such as a foundation it will grow back but it’s just fake try to walk away and it should help but try to place another foundation near it and leave come back and that may help brain of game fix it then delete the foundations and log off in and see if that helps

I tried to place fundations at several positions and removed them after, but nothing changed. I dont exactly know where the problem starts or ends cause my landclaim is huge, (over 4 quadrants of the map) but it need to, cause its a sky base and even its possible maybe to shoot there with a treb, but its finally not that easy…

I guess this might have something to do with the loading issues you and the others visiting your base are experiencing. Just a thought.

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Thanks for the screenshots @Lissy8595. It’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.


@Ignasi: Thanks very much!


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