That does not sound good. But it does sound typical of my luck.
So can yourself or @Barnes (sorry to bug you yet again mate…) please explain to me in nice simple terms: 1) what a code error is, 2) what would likely be causing it, 3) could this explain why I am not recieving Events, and 4) how can I remedy this?
I should also add yet another observation. I just noticed this morning that the shalebacks which ordinarily wander in close proximity to my base, and have done for over one year, are no longer spawning in either. Not as drastic as the Volcano become devoid of life, but certainly peculiar. Another more general observation is that since the last update assets have been rather slow to load in; textures (which is a common one so fair enough), but everything from NPCs to followers, to half of the cliffside, just appears as an all black silhouette, like some form of shadow realm frequently, for say 1-2 seconds before the details appear.
I had already taken the liberty of doing this last night. I uninstalled Conan Exiles (did not delete save data), then took it down to work outside of hours and reinstalled the game. Unfortunately, it has not resolved either this issue or that of the Events not spawning. Do you have any other ideas old friend?
I recall that when I last had a corruption issue and was losing progress, journey steps, you name it, that @Barnes you suggested that I do a Rebuild Database. Do you suggest it is time to throw that switch again?
I am not quite certain what you mean here @stelagel. I am confused. Could you please further elaborate or paraphrase my friend?
Pardon my mistake if I am incorrect, but the Volcano may not appear in a base version without updates, as the Volcano, Frozen North and Jungle biomes were later additions…
Hey thanks very much for that Damon! Just for the record Damon wich mode do you usually play? Officials, private server, PvE, PvP, etc?
Thanks @sestus2009, you are always a great and dependable friend.