I realy have to go through it, because it used to work, but then if I had the share offline games options checked in one ps5, I couldn’t have it enabled on the other. Usually, you could just remotely deactivate the option in one console and activate it on the other, load the game, and play. But now, you can’t. So, if I’m to play Conan online with my son, and since I use two accounts (one for fighting, one for farming) thus needing to have that option enabled on my console, he can’t play from his unless he has his own copy of Conan and his psn. It doesn’t allow him to play the game otherwise. So, either I messed up something, or because I use two accounts, one with a copy of the game and another that accesses it due to having the sharing option enabled, he needs his own copy and psn. Anyway, thanks a lot and I’ll check it. This year is paid already.
I don’t think we have that option, as you said. Strange, now that I think of it. It should work…
Here’s my mistake:
He doesn’t have a ps plus, not psn.
I wonder, would that have any influence? Most online games require ps plus (few exceptions). I wonder if it is needed for your machine to communicate with Funcom servers…
I don’t know how it works today i have done this years ago for a while.
But the it was easy without any offline downloading.
My PlayStation had psn
My nephews not.
On my PlayStation my nephew was primary and I secondary.
On my nephews playstation I was primary and he secondary.
On his playstation i just login into my account and start downloading a game. He could play this game in his account and also had my psplus.
For me there was no difference but indeed I think both need to be online and connected to psn else it would be a problem to check if you don’t have more then one primary.
BTW at this time I had a Conan server and an alt account for admin stuff. I owned this game digital and as disc. The alt account only has working with the disc version and I don’t had the dlcs from my account.
But maybe if you put your alt account on primary where the primary psplus account is?
Sorry for maybe derailing this thread. But I think it’s a nice information for all of our exiles families here at the forum
Hi there @MarcosC. Have to clarify a couple of things as we have a polite misunderstanding here. The first is that I do have a playstation, ie a PSN Profile. However, neither myself, my partner or our son have PS Plus. There are two primary reasons for this. The first and foremost reason being that vast majority of games I play are Survival Horror games, which I REALLY excel at, and are primarily offline or singleplayer games. The second is that internet at home for us is just hotspot on our mobile devices, for if we need to do a game update, or download a DLC. Trying to play on an official using such an internet connection would not result in a smooth play experience.
Thanks for clarifying it, @Croms_Faithful .
So, not having a ps plus has nothing to do with it.
There’s a last measure you can try if everything else fails. You would need to restore your ps to factory settings and reinstall everything. If I were you, I wouldn’t even keep a copy of the current game and would start a new one. If that doesn’t solve it, I don’t know what will…
Hi @Barnes. I have updated the earlier post. Therein I explained why I was unable to test the suspect file using Coop mode. Unless this is a possibility…how does it work?
Yeah, see muchacho that’s what I meant all those posts ago: local network co-op ain’t in the game yet. I really don’t know why but I have my suspicions.
I don’t think you really have any options except to try and file a trouble ticket with Funcom either here or through the ZenDesk system. If there’s enough priority, or if there is other incidence of this issue, it could be something they’ll approach. I don’t want to say this because I don’t want you to give up on your gamesave, but most techs in this position will ultimately tell you to start over. I don’t think that’s acceptable, and it’s not something I would personally accept. Anything I can come up with, I’ll definitely post here – the issue as you know is something that might be fixed via db manipulation on the PC … however on the PS platform this is inaccessible.
Ahhh I see what mean now. [Croms_Faithful taps the aide of his nose]
Damn that sucks. But let me clarify. I am not for a single moment suggesting that you were lax in your approach @Barnes. You would in all likelihhod be one of our most technically knowledgeable playstation players here on the forum. And if you say that we have reached an impass, then I have absolutely no reason to doubt your word. And I can not thankyou enough for the time you have invested in helping me to resolve not just this issue, but also my previous data corruption issue. Now before I call it a wrap here, could I trouble you with a couple of parting questions?
I) Do you still believe that this is an aphended table causing this, or have you now changed this suspicion or become uncertain what the hell is going on? And what is the likely cause of this issue? Could it be something to do with one of the updates, or perhaps the console, too many assets, any speculation you can offer?
II) At this point the way I see is my profile has a slow death sentence; it will gradually devolve to a loading loop or a blue screen. So I have a couple of ‘nothing left to lose options’. The first step will be the two nuclear options. Whole you earlier suggested not to, I am first going to attwmpt to rebuild the data base. Then in the event it is unsuccessful, restore the entire console to my back up version from last weekend. UNLESS…like this ill fated fellow you tell me something akin to:
And if that still proves unsuccessful, then I will just have to hope that the ‘minor event fixes’ I will download in the new patch this weekend will help. It’s a longshot, but its all I’ve got.
Cool. I wasn’t reacting to that, my thought process is that after so many years of tech support I know what other techs do pretty much by rote. Sadly, it never seems to come from empathy with tech support personnel: they will generally be first to say “unrecoverable.” Point being: don’t let anyone tell you to stop trying to preserve the gamesave and environment to which you are accustomed.
Furthermore, and this is crucial: your game for the most part was functioning very well prior to 3.0. Irrespective of all the load changes and optimizations, it now appears that despite your savegame’s state of “stability” (only Events were malfunctioning) prior to 3.0, failure may be ramping up.
This is significant. Again, as a tech support person for years, it’s very easy to predict bad things at very early stages. The more feedback we can get from sharing partners (like you), the better a case we can make for Funcom to take the issue seriously from the start, and avoid data loss for customers in the long term.
Don’t stop on my behalf.
I do indeed believe some odd problem with the DB is the issue. It could be that I’m currently fixing an upgraded Magento DB right now that’s influencing my beliefs – no it actually comes from issues’ testing on a live Conan server, and feedback from said testing. By simply editing the DB file and re-saving it with the “occult” data removed, the issue with the Conan Exiles server was fixed. But now, placeables could not be picked up. To fix this and preserve my players’ game progress, I found the solution was to place (as admin) every placeable in the game, overwriting the now-corrupt table entry. This fixed the problem. As you might conceive, it was pretty arduous, I have photos and video of the “mountain of misfit toys.”
To be honest, it’s likely not fruitful to delve into the root cause, but there are a lot of things that can make this happen on the PS platform. For instance, any game under the sun is ripe for difficulties if the console is powered with no backup juice or UPS on it. Any power outage while the game is live might cause the console to reboot and rebuild. This can cause prepending – adding data to the front of the information, due to failure in the reconciliation of the backup set.
Or, people who kill the app while playing. Maybe they got impulsive, or maybe they got angry, or maybe for some reason they just killed the game by menuing out and performing the quick steps – this can flag a gamesave for similar reconciliation. I’m not saying you do this, but it’s predictable behavior with a reasonable outcome of database reconciliation, which might cause issues.
In your case, I will speculate only on what caused Events (now Encounters) to fail. This was pre-3.0. I believe that during one of your sessions as Admin, you built or cast an errant block somewhere into the mesh or invisible texture where the Events are triggered. I believe the Encounter system is an all or nothing proposition which will throw a logged “null” in the works, and cancel any Encounter at all.
Paramount was that you maintain a backup, are familiar with the making of a backup, and fully assuring myself your savegame is safeguarded. However, I don’t think making the PS5 do its forceful database rebuild will do any good. As I mentioned earlier, the actual CE database/savegame must be “flagged” prior to being touched by the relatively automated DB reindex process.
Ideally, I would ask you to move heaven and earth to get your savegame working again. This might entail your subscribing to PS Plus for a short while. Then, you would allow your son to attach to your world, and wait for an Encounter. This, as we say in the business, will separate the fly shit from the pepper. To victory!
Thankyou @Barnes. I am definately going to keep trying whatever I can for now. To try and convey some sort of meaningful context as to why I do not wish to throw in the towel yet, I would say the following. It would be like a person with a busy schedule who has sunk some 200-300 hours into his first play through of Skyrim having the misfortune of getting a bug and being told they would need to start the game again from level 1. I just do not think I would be able to do it…
You know I made an interesting discovery while backing up my ps5 Barnes. I noticed I already had console back up data from earlier this; sometime around early September if I recall correctly. Did this save pre-date the current issue? I am genuinely not certain I am affraid. But Events would have still been broken. But…the other issues may not have started by then. While I could hypothetically restore the ps5 to that point, I would lose a lot of data feom other games I have since played. For example, all of Stray, all of Alan Wake which I beat on Nightmare mode and collected every manuscript page, and Tormented Souls which I am half way through and is pretty darn hard. So just putting this option on the table for us. Although more of a last resort option.
It is ironic that you should say that. Because I had considered sharing one of the few hunches I had as to what may have caused this. And the one suspicion I had was…power outage. You see not so long ago there were copious swarms of flying foxes loitering around the township, and we were having frequent outages, sometimes several each day where they fly into the equipment at sub-stations, fry themselves and short out the equipment in the process causing often occurring blackouts for a couple of months on end.
Sure, if you genuinely believe that I stand a chance of rectifying this malady by forking out for a couple of months of PS Plus and letting the young fella log on, then I am happy to do so. But would I need to buy ps plus for both of us, or could we share the same set up? And could we use our hotspot for this task? I have honestly never had ps plus so I am not exaggerating when I say: I don’t know the first thing about it! Well other than it lets people play games online, which they used to be able to do for fre back on the ps3.
EDIT: oh Barnes do I have an interesting development to share. It turns out that the Head Hunter encounter has worked on my profile! More in the morning. But for now, the hour is indeed late and I am very tired so I must retire for the night.
EDIT no2:
And here is the:
I did some additional testing this morning and the Head Hunting event is still in good working order. I have redeemed already redeemed everal sorcerer heads for Oboli currency. And the Khitans appeared in all three of the locations I have checked, including the Volcano of all places. And by god it was so much fun and so rewarding to enjoy my first encounter since the halloween event! My compliaments to Funcom.
I also decided to check all other new encounter locations both last night and again this morning before posting. The accompanying Witch Hunter encounters and the Blowback encounter were NOT working. And the update also did NOT fix any of the four pre-existing encounters; all still broken.
Ps-probably not relevant to my issues, but golden lotus is back.
I must admit I have been working up a Bug Report (I even installed a Steam Game to help me do it) for @Caroll for some time now – but it seems like they have squashed a few more than I might have imagined. The thing I suspected earlier appears to have been fixed: in other words, Encounters are no longer an “All or Nothing” proposition. If one is blocked, the others will and should spawn. I have been playing extensively on three different versions over the last few weeks and I must say “I believe they’re onto it.”
Please update at will. Yes, your September Save is a way to go back in time. And no, you won’t need to overwrite all your data, you can pick and choose. Anything else you want to cover, please have at it, but I’ll otherwise suspend until I hear back from you about Encounters. Crossing my fingers and toes.
ETA: Put a small-ish UPS on your Chrissy List, order one for your son and partner too.
EETA: Happy Anniversary, Crom ol’ chap! Oi Oi Oi!!
This entire discussion was very helpful for me,
I have since restarted a solo mode game, and with artifacts from two previous builds removed from game, my newest play has enabled me to play for a five hour session and still no crashes (brand new play through, and fixes with the newest patch 2 days ago). Previously my games over several accounts were timing out at just over an hour. I now also know to use USB to create backups for my PS4.
Thank you @Barnes , @Croms_Faithful , and of course my good friends @stelagel , and thanks to everyone else who participated, (i can only thank 3 people by name in a post) for your patient and detailed explanations. TIL…
I know I will bookmark this discussion and be revisiting it often in the following days to better digest the tasty tidbits contained here.
I would still proceed with this @Barnes, and in fact I would strongly encourage you to do so, even if my case is added as a foot note. A normatative sample cluster should still be invaluable to the team. And even more so now that the encounters are increasingly having difficulty appearing on other platforms too.
There will always be exceptions and outlier at each end of the spectrum. This does not invalidate your research.
Forgive, but I am not certain who they refers to. Do refer to Funcom…!?
Now I really must discuss this with you. Are you sure about this Barnes!? Because I was under the inpression that unlike the ps4, my ps5 would only restore the entire console, not individual game saves. Kind of like an all or nothing thing. Can you clarify this either way!? Because a LOT is riding on this and I may well have to fall back to the September file soon. (See the ‘Bad News’ section below). And the thing is that if we are wrong here, I risk losing not just save data for my other games, but also my whole Age of Sorcery: Chapter 1 Battle Pass items!
Well my newfound delight was quickly over run by despair. It appears that the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts, like the Volcano biome is now cometely uninhabited! Even Yakira Priestess of Derketo is gone (same with Vathis the Heirophant in the volcano), meaning I am missing a religion trainer. I swear it feels like I can not catch a break sometimes.
This is absolutely heartbreaking and devastating beyond words. I feel broken and deflated. And the worst part is that I can see what is coming in the future; I will be stuck with an empty map. I do not know what to do now. @Barnes please…how should I proceed? Also @Caroll; I tried to uninstall and reinstall Conan Exiles on my ps5 as per the post you marked as a solution. I also tried to ‘clear the cache’ and ‘rebuild the database’ after realising this and the newest update was unsuccessful.
@Caroll, @Community please, please…someone help me! Read this and my previous post. Can you ask the team if they have any ideas.
someone please help
Happy Cake Day. @Croms_Faithful
Yes. I think they are breaking into some long-standing issues. This might cause some shrapnel effects.
This is what I was concerned about: cascade failure.
I can clarify, but I must qualify it first: my one long-standing rule is that I will never give out a solution unless I can test it. Yes, every time I post a solution here, it’s because I loaded up the game and made it happen. I don’t, however, possess a PS5 so I can’t test it.
HOWEVER my Sony Master Guide here says the Backup and Restore subroutine still allows the user to select which data to restore. In other words, you should be able to attach your backup drive, select the Restore therein, and then “select the data you want to restore.” This is their Step 4 from their Support Home Section.
Before you go further though, at this point, I strongly suggest you obtain a 3-month (or longer) PS Plus account, and begin making Cloud backups. If something goes haywire, you will want to be able to restore your PS5 to its current “working but failing savegame” state.
I can only hope that is the case, as encounters have started to present difficulties on other platforms too. And I certainly would not like to see anyone else anywhere stuck in my shoes.
This is what I was concerned about: cascade failure.
I just checked the definition of that issue online: not good at all. Time to try and nullify this scourge if we can. Which brings me to the next part:
I can clarify, but I must qualify it first: my one long-standing rule is that I will never give out a solution unless I can test it.
HOWEVER my Sony Master Guide here says the Backup and Restore subroutine still allows the user to select which data to restore.
Both undestandable, and also comendable of you @Barnes. Your rule reminds me of the wisdom an elderly friend of mine imparted to me back in my youth. He would say to me “never ask anyone to do anything you wouldn’t do yourself”. Gratitude. But faced with the undesireable alternative outcome and with no real recourse available to me, I am prepared to take the chance. Everything is ready:
I have heeded your suggestion and now have ps plus for the first time ever. The current deteriorating Conan Exiles save data is now uploaded to Cloud , and the console has back up data on an external HD for several days ago, and for back in September. And I am poised to restore the later. Now before I do, a final question and an observation.
Question- this will predate my chapter 1 battle bass completion. Does this mean that all of the 60 items will be lost from my profile, or is this not the case?
Observation- this is odd, but felt it may be worth calling to your attention for your detailed report. My last few updates I have downloaded for CE, including the most recent for my ps5 have all been around 63gb. However, on the case of my son, even though we were both at the same version before downloading the chapter 2 update, his was only some 13-16gb! So perhaps mine was continually attempting to or repeating to download old updates/data/files!? I honestly do not know what the heck it could mean. Just though I would share that knowledge in case it was of any meaning to you.
Happy Cake Day. @Croms_Faithful
Thankyou so kindly @sestus2009! Even in these dark times for me, I still find that spirit of comradery and decency uplifting. It reminds me of why I have stayed on this forum for as long as I have; because of friends like yourself and the ones who have come to offer their aid and assistance in this forum. And those who devote their time to assisting others where they may. Much obliged my friend!
I also play on single player. Lag is horrible on public servers with all the builds so reduced my joy to playing alone. That being said, I have a base by Sepameru. One times out of five that I do a chest run half of the town has no npc’s. With lastest update there is always an event there and I use the towns npc’s as help to clear it out. But like i said for some reason randomly no npc’s. Occasionally where the two sorcerer’s spawn the fence that was added when they where to the city when Age came in is also gone.
This has happened also at many large camps on the map. Ruins of al-Merayah being the most resent.
Question- this will predate my chapter 1 battle bass completion. Does this mean that all of the 60 items will be lost from my profile, or is this not the case?
Hey @Barnes, forgive I do no mean to nag, but are you able to answer this question for me? I am ready to throw the switch and revert back to my September save file at any time now, but I am still genuinely curious if I am likely to retain my Chapter 1 battle pass items or if they will be lost? Do you know if I would, would not, or could not say? And thanks for all of the help too!