Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: Offline Singleplayer
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: N/A
Bug Description:
This report concerns a perpetually problematic issue which I have been wrestling with in recent times. So what has been happening is that I have been finding that several locations dotted around the map have had no, and by that mean 0 NPCs spawn in. No humanoids, no bests, not even merchants or religion trainers. For example, I have most recently noticed that the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts is utterly uninhabited. No enemy NPCs, even Yakira the Priestess of Derketo is gone. It is just completely deserted. But it is relevant to note that I have been having this issue elsewhere too. For example no NPCs spawn in the entire Volcano biome, with even Vathis the Heirophant and merchants not spawning in. In addition, the shalebacks which would ordinarily patrol not far from my base and get hacked up periodically by my thralls are also gone. This issue seems to be becoming progressively worse over time. A good friend and fellow Asura Barnes suggested that I may have an aphended table, resulting in a cascade error. But if our awesome team would also like to explore the issue further, then I welcome their help and expertise wholeheartedly.
Bug Reproduction:
This is a tricky one, I am honestly not sure how to reproduce this. It just happened one day. Travel to the Pagoda and notice that every living creature is now gone. Travel to the Volcano and notice that every living creature is gone. Walk around the perimeter of ones base and notice that all but one living thing is gone. And they were all there as normal the days beforehand. I have really struggled to establish a precipitator to this issue. But just to put it out there; I have only ever had 1 out of the 7 encounters/events work for me to date. I am just adding this incase it is part of a larger spawning issue. I hope that this will be of help. Please feel free to ask me any follow up questions you may have.