Sorry bud I have been away on some personal time, and haven’t been able to write anything here.
If you’ve redeemed anything that can be lost, you will lose it. This means any extras, magic globes, special swords, skins, etc. Just as if you “acquired” them on a public server and they were lost to a glitch or stolen. Anything that’s tied to your character, and its progression, will be rolled back. Anything that’s tied to your account should carry forward just fine. But redeemed items will be lost.
Part of waiting a couple days ensures you have a couple good backups to the cloud. This means you can return to this savegame scenario/system state with ease.
First: what method would you use to install CE? Will it involve the Blu-Ray? If you can access the digital-only version of CE from the Store, you’re better off.
HOWEVER if you must install from the disc, please ensure you do not try to run CE until it is completely updated.
Now here’s what I’d do.
Make a physical backup of my CE onto my hand-dandy USB key. Force a Cloud Backup of every other game’s savegame too, to be sure.
Completely uninstall Conan Exiles.
Reboot the console from power off state.
Try restoring the savegame data from master September Backup. Conan Exiles only.
Install CE, ensure it’s fully updated by tapping Options and checking for update.
No problems @Barnes. We can not be expecred to put our lives on hold and drop everthing to attend to forum messages. Furthermore, I hope that everything is ok there, or at least as well as it can be.
So I am confused. I do not know which umbrella battle pass items would fall under. Are they tied to our account in any way or are they simply a redeemed item as they are ‘claimed’ as a reward?
Genuine question of interest. Why would the digital edition be better in this instance?
Just a quick twoCents here, as I just saw your post.
I also built just outside of Sepamaru, and in single player the back-to-back spawn of the Sepamaru Event can really derail your gameplay. With NPCs not showing up in what I imagine is preparation for the big “Storm Sick Warrior Drop Event.”
I get about a 50/50 split sometimes Sepamaru is depopulated, before an event sometimes its populated.**(I think I can partially explain this below).
Quick solution I have found on the PS4 is to quickly jump into Settings/Network and uncheck Connect to Internet. No internet connection at game start, stops Events from Triggering Full Stop. And if done mid-game, (uncheck Internet) can be used to stop additional subsequent Events from Triggering. If you later want Events to “hit” later during the same gaming session, You don’t need to end a session, I simply recheck the checkmark to reconnect to internet, and the mechanics seem to Trigger as intended when I have spent sufficient time in an Event Area.
** (I believe whether or not Sepamaru is inhabited when the Storm Sick Warrior Event triggers depends on where my character was when I reconnect to the internet, i.e. if I am already in Sepamaru and then reconnect to internet I get an event, but the NPCs were already spawned so I get NPCs and Event. And the NPCs help greatly with thinning the Event of baddies)
lots of speculation in this post, but it has seemed to work for me for the last little bit.
(It is quick and easy, and eliminates Back to Back Event Spawns meant for a full server but confused by solo game players like you and me. )
Oh yes, no problems. It’s just that when cats are not adoptable at our shelter, we house them. One of our oldest, and most legendary, a rehabbed barn cat – took the rainbow bridge, facing the setting sun in his warm cat hammock. It caused significant upheaval in his colony, and we’ve had to shift some things around to accommodate.
This is an area of my own personal unfamiliarity. But generally, it’s like this: is there a one-time only weapon, armor skin or collectible that you redeemed in Single Player? If so, those will stay with your account backed up on the Cloud. They will be inaccessible to your September savegame.
You will no longer be required to use the disc, or keep it in your mochine. More importantly, my Digital Editions load up to 12x faster than the disc-based version on my office PS4.