Walking in first person could use a rework

This game does many things very well, but unfortunately walking in first person view (FPV) is not one of them. I’m a huge fan of playing in FPV, unless I am in combat; it’s immersive, and I enjoy being able to see my character react from this viewpoint. Now to my issue and suggestion, which I think could and should be resolved.

The camera shifts dramatically when switching between walking and running (not sprinting). Here’s the thing: when running, I can look down and see my character normally, but when I walk the camera shifts to a different location, and I can only see my character’s feet. What is very interesting to me is that when I am encumbered while set to run, my character obviously walks but the camera setting remains the same and is precisely what I would desire while walking normally.

I play with a friend, and when I was encumbered while set to run, he noted that my character had a slow run animation, but I saw myself as walking. The camera was in an ideal position. However, merely by switching to walk (which changed no animations on my end, just the annoying camera shift) my friend reported that my character appeard to walk as normal.

All of this makes me think that the walk system is a bit overcomplicated. My suggestion is to retool the walk system to artificially encumber the character and actually force a walk animation instead of the slow run. The camera position is my main issue. Changing from walk to run should not change the location of the camera.

Thanks for your time, and let me know if there are any questions or clarifications. I would be curious to know if there is any acknowledgement of this issue and/or if anything might be done to fix this issue.

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